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Abdellahi_Mstf Abmstpha
My passion lies in using data to solve meaningful problems and create positive change. I enjoy exploring data, machine learning, and deep learning capabilities.

Aivancity School for Technology Paris

Engineering school student📚 . Passionate about statistics, data science and machine learning 📊

Ecole Polytechnique - ENSAE

Nathan Tm N22Toumi

Institut Polytechnique de Paris Palaiseau, France

Tim Sanchez Tikings
📚 Engineering student @ AgroParisTech - Paris Saclay University ⭐️ - What I like - ⭐️ - Data sciences - Neurosciences - Internet of things (Self- taught)
Sylvain Combettes sylvaincom
PhD • Senior ML Product Engineer @probabl-ai • Lecturer at Polytechnique & CentraleSupélec Exed

@probabl-ai Paris, France

Kenza Ily Benkirane kenza-ily
AI for Healthcare

UCL London-Paris

Lucas Ma LucasMa00
I'm a student major in Robotics in Harbin Institute of Technology, now devote in biped robot and reinforcement learning.

Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen

Nageeta Kumari nageetaw
Master’s in Data Science Student with one year of industry experience after bachelor's degree, adapt in Python, machine learning, and database systems.

Paris France

Federico Testa Fede-Testa
AI Engineer at S2E - Galene. Graduated at the University of Turin - M.Sc. Stochastics and Data Science.
Augustin Cramer augustin-cramer
Master's Student at Institut Polytechnique de Paris and ENSAE Paris in a double diploma


Joshua Spear joshuaspear
Machine learning researcher interested in causality and machine learning for healthcare
Nam Pham Quang nampq19
I like whatever I can control.
