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Hans Vinther-Larsen HVinther
Master student in statistics at University of Copenhagen.
K. Cihan Sipahi bcrtvkcs
computer's own mouse 🖱

KCS Software Istanbul

Jimmy Smits jimmysmits

@Deloitte Amsterdam

Roni Laukkarinen ronilaukkarinen
Full stack developer, CTO & Founder @digitoimistodude. 🖌️ Servers, Python, (S)CSS, JS, CLI, *nix, WP, HTML, PHP, a11y.

@digitoimistodude Jyväskylä, Finland

Lars Lxxrs

NRW, Germany

Felix User-Felix
Junior Software Engineer | JavaScript, Node.js | C / C++ | FullStack Developer |

Botucatu - SP

RhizoSphere RhizoSphere

Undisclosed Location Somewhere in South-West Australia

George Lemon georgelemon
Open Source Enthusiast 🚀

@openpeeps @trytilda @getvasco

Simon MacDonald macdonst

@beginner-corp Canada

Paul paulbrzeski
Founder and Co-Owner of @OpenStudiosCo

Open Studios Earth (allegedly)

Luke Simmons Skyluker4
I like computers.

The University of Arkansas Fayettville, AR

eg canering

Tampa, FL

Kevin ksmith211
Master of Computer Science from the State University of New York at Albany. Currently working at Center for Internet Security.

Center for Internet Security New York

Nat Welch icco
#shrugs #sre

@pinginc Beacon, NY


Intentional Agile, LLC Houston TX USA

Dan Bochichio danbocain
I'm a web designer with over twenty years of experience creating websites and helping businesses gain traction on the web.

Bocain Designs Albany, NY


The Netherlands

Stephen Collins trib22
Semi-retired from 20+ years of working in design of user experience, services, and organisations. Gamer. Progressive. Husband. Dad.

Brogo, NSW, Australia

Petros Dhespollari peterdsp
Based in Greece, I’m a software engineer, mastering computer engineering & programming languages.

ebiscon GmbH Piraeus, Greece

a coder who has a dream to do something big and lasting value

planet earth

Joseph McElroy jmcelroy01

Student Spaceship Earth

LilPimpn86 FuckStickFunFuck
33 DWF Freelance Journalist Anlyst Cnsltnt Mrktng Blogger, Political Satirist & Commentator, Community Organizer, Podcaster, Radical Activist, Volunteer.

@staywokemedia Indiana USA

Cong Le CongLeSolutionX
iOS Developer | Generative AI | Medium Tech Writer | Computer Science, B.S.


eSh mr-eshua
Reverse Engineer of the Universe


Liaizon Wakest wakest
just a human living in human land

Microsoft needs to drop ICE and any fascist's they are working with ASAP

Deepan Deeps72-ux
Software Development Engineer

Petronet MHB Limited India

Tristan Zand zdrilx Atherton CA - Geneva CH

Stars trek Stars1233
I'm student . I don't know anything . 🤭
Micael Carvalho MicaelMCarvalho
SW&QA Freelancer Engineer - on Bluesky

Mirazal LDA Portugal

Andie Kobbie andiekobbietks
🚀 IT Operations professional with expertise in technical support, infrastructure management, and cloud computing. Passionate about digital transformation!

FirstGens UK Europe

Clive D osde8info
free libre open source advocate #softdev #sysadmin #devops #devsecops