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Nikola Hristov NikolaRHristov
Founder & CEO 🧔🏻 @PlayForm ☁️

@PlayForm Sofia, Bulgaria

Florian Idelberger step21


David Marzal Marzal
Zero Waste/Vegan and Free Software Advocate

ARM Spain

JoostWasser joostwasser

EnterpriseDB Amsterdam

Florent Zara flzara

Eclipse Foundation Paris, France

Brian Fox brianf
CTO at @sonatype

@sonatype NH, USA

Adrian O'Sullivan aosull01
Currently working on the Linux Foundation ONAP project as a PTL see-


Emmanuel EmmanuelMess
I study computer science, I am a developer in multiple FOSS projects, worked at agrotech, and I work on small projects.

Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina

Simon Phipps webmink
Grizzled geek working to keep open source open and free software free. Not coding much but very active to ensure others can.

Meshed Insights Ltd UK

Open Source IP Counsel

OpenAtom Foundation Pékin, Chine

Bastien bzg
Free software officer for the French public administration.

@codegouvfr Paris

Vicky Risk vrisk
Product Manager at

Internet Systems Consortium Amherst, MA


@relex Helsinki

Pierre Pronchery khorben
IT-Security Consultant at Defora Networks

@DeforaNetworks Berlin, Germany

Reinhard Biegel ReinhardBiegelIntech

in-tech engineering GmbH Vienna

Sebastian Schuberth sschuberth
A Kotlin enthusiast who's enjoying to work with and on Open Source Software.

CEO & CTO of @doubleopen-project Berlin, Germany

Tobie Langel tobie

UnlockOpen Geneva, Switzerland

Juan jrico-eclipse
Working @EclipseFoundation as Program Manager

Eclipse Foundation Spain