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Ananya Agrawal Ananya01Agrawal
Final year || B.Tech || Computer Science || Problem Solver || Web Developer || Content Writer || DSA


Curly-Howard-Chungus Correspondence | Lamport-Cabot-Codd-Backus-Naur Form ichxorya
WannabeResearcher-ExPartTimeMusicProducer. Currently interested in PLDI, MDSE, and symbolic computation. BOINC cruncher (UET-VNU-2022).

@vnu-frsl @vnu-sme @SEhumantics Ichvers, Esteh, Enurbahnhof, Azeroy

Bruno Ribeiro brunocribeiro
Software Engineer focused on Software Design & Architecture, JVM technologies, cloud-native applications, Agile, DevOps, and Beer 🍻


Morgan Morganizer

Birmingham, Alabama

Benjy Malca benjymb

Barcelona, Spain

Isaka Traore isaka
Making technology work for people, with people

mimozar Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Ahmed Rafat ahmedrafat-SW
I'm a Software Engineer

Cairo, Egypt

Florian flts
Managing Consultant guiding customers into the world of cloud native solutions, solution architecture, development and support/maintenance.


reaper8055 reaper8055
The line between pathological and normal behavior of a system under heavy workload is vague...
Ethan Sun reacherone
@oracle Cloud Native, Kubernetes, Infrastructure, Backend, Full-Stack, AI, CV, Former Software Engineer @walmartlabs

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Seattle, WA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


DoneSpeak DoneSpeak
Let the work I've done speak for me.

Shenzhen University

Bulbasaur.Yan yk433000
Build Early, Build Always

Suzhou, China

Munish Chouhan munishchouhan
Software Engineer | Oracle Java Certified | GraalVM | Micronaut | Docker | Kubernetes | OpenTelemetry | Golang


Bruno Dantas brunobd7
Software Developer at Banco do Brasil | Brasil Seguros.

Nova Tendência | Banco do Brasil | Brasil Seguros Remote

Andrey Mavlyanov amavlyanov
*nix admin, SPbLUG ex-Coordinator

Digital Activity Rishon LeZion, Israel

Nimit Agrawal nimitagr

Wise (@transferwise) Tallinn, Estonia

Gian Martín gianm99
Backend developer @Travelcompositor

Travel Compositor Mallorca, Spain

YangJie LuciferYang
Apache Spark Committer&PMC / Apache incubator-uniffle PPMC

@baidu Beijing

Ugur AK ugurak
Software Development Executive @ Managing Software Development Teams


Gladiné Gladine
Enthousiast Front-end developer but happily learning more of back end development.

Optis NV Belgium

Hnatiuk Vladyslav Aksem
Software (Language) Engineer

Vienna, Austria