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Xaypanya Phongsa Xaypanya

Xaythany, Vientiane Prefecture, Laos

Dev productdevbook
Full Stack Developer
Ben Emma benemmaofficial

InSpatial Labs Manchester, United Kingdom


Structurally Sound Systems

Tarsis Lima tarsislimadev
Desenvolvedor Full Stack. Técnico de informática pelo CPS. Experiência em Node.js, Android, AWS e Scrum. Inglês avançado, francês e alemão básicos.

Rio Claro - SP - Brazil

João Palmeiro joaopalmeiro
Data Visualization Engineer at Feedzai

Feedzai Lisboa, Portugal

Jonathan Mayunga skhye05
Web | Mobile Developer. Javascript Framework Lover (Nativescript, Angular, JQuery, ExpressJs ...). Graphics Design Hobbyist.

Pretoria, South Africa

NeutronAhmed newtronahmed
Software Developer skilled in frontend and backend technologies such as Nextjs, Tailwindcss,Expressjs and laravel


Kang Cahya dyazincahya
a connoisseur of coffee without sugar.

@x-labs-myid Jakarta, indonesia

Henry Ceresetti hceresetti
👨🏻 Age: 22 y.o. 👨🏻‍💻 IT Technician in Service Desk Team (Aug. 19, 2024 - present). 🏗️ OT Technician in Automation Team (Oct. 09, 2023 - Aug. 16, 2024).

Santos Brasil Participações SA Santos, São Paulo, Brazil

Jason jasongitmail
Full-stack dev focusing on NodeJS & SvelteKit. Prev PM for zkApps on @MinaProtocol, @coinbase.
Dillenhub github-world192
我是dillen 我寫軟體


Dylan Llewellyn herefishyfish

Nutrien Ag Solutions Australia Perth, Western Australia

Joseph Martell uderline
IT Developer

La Rochelle - France

Jhuliani Cristina Jhuliani
Programadora Jr. e estudante de Ciência da Computação.

Sumirê Perfumaria Bauru

Parth Patel pap5508
Cross Platform Mobile Application developer - Nativescript & React Native


IM@RP rahulcode
trying to put stuff together
Kevin Seenan KevSeenan
Software Developer and CodeClan graduate

@pensionshostingcompany Glasgow

tcardlab tcardlab
💡 Life Pro Tip – Toaster strudels taste better with Nutella

SAO, Null Island

Ouya Jean-Marc Olivier AkaeyesWanabe
Web,Game,Application Developer and Designer
Dev untiny
The bus driver made room for the old lady under the public censure.

Guangxi, China

Andrew Chou achou11
none too happy

@digidem NYC

码农朱哲 snice
Full Stack engineer


Paul Mlilo paulmlilo

Advanced Innovation Africa (Pty) Ltd Johannesburg

Owali Ullah Shawon OwaliShawon Dhaka, Bangladesh

Mohamad Opada Albosh OPADA-Eng
A passionate developer wants to make the programming space better!

TicNat Toronto, Canada

RGBvision RGBvision
Software development


atanda rasheed heywhy
I love creating valuable solutions to problems.