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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Asger Nielsen asgr-dk
static typed pure functional immutable sound referentially-transparent


A student from Thessaloniki, living and studying in Crete in the Computer Science Department

Greece, Heraklion

Andrew McKnight armcknight
💻 🧗🏻‍♂️ 🏔️ ⛷️ 🏂🏻 🚴🏻 👨🏻‍🍳 👨‍👩‍👧 🗺️ 🧳

@getsentry Fairbanks, AK

Jason Wallace Kohlyde
Twice exceptional, adhd, autistic ,a shit-ton of SME, wait , wheres my car? fuck where are my keys...... if you know....

tonal freqs Bend Oregon

Westly White Westly

Colorado Springs, CO

Bradley Furnish lastcommit

San Francisco Bay Area

August Miller AugustMiller

@oof-bar Portland, OR

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Juan Carlos Lamas cococov
"Recognition is sweet, is it not? However, remember that recognition is a gift given by those who have power to those who do not." ―Jerec

@bukhr Chile, IV region, La Serena

James W. Lane III jameswlane
I'm a software developer, tech enthusiast · Husband, Father · OSS · #JS

Fueled By Dreams Springfield, MO

Samuel Butler butlers

Multiply San Francisco, California

Rudger Rud5G
Enthusiastic Cloud Engineer. Automate everything!

@TripleNetworks Rotterdam, NL

Pengu Decidutrix
| Godot game dev | JavaScript and C# are my languages | Linux Power User |
Vitaliy Vostrikov Hecatoncheir
I'm a proactive and creative design-developer. I keep a close eye on development.
Willem WillemRB
I'm not a hacker, I like to wear hoodies.

Gasunie Netherlands

Adrian Hernandez Lopez AdrianHL
Head of Engineering / Senior Software Engineer / API Specialist

Bournemouth, UK

Sergi Sergio gurugray
Full stack web developer && Engineering manager | HEAD ➔ @manychat@yandex@softwarium

@manychat Barcelona, Spain

Josh Cutler joshcutler

@onda-ai Minneapolis, MN

Dakota Lightning dakotalightning
Senior Software Engineer / Program Manager

Victoria, Canada

gaetanpfdn gaetanpfdn

frog Paris / Lyon / Le Havre FR

Theerasan Tonthongkam theerasan
Android Developer, Frontend also Artist

@honestbank BKK Thailand, Earth

Dave Parr DaveParr
Machine learning for the energy industry South Wales