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Subash Chandra Sapkota subashcs
Tech Enthusiast, longing to prosper by technological applications on real-world problems.

Baglung, Nepal

Devin Godage DevinByteX
Software Engineer | React Native Developer

Intervest Software Technologies Sri Lanka

Awais Codes AwaisCodes003
I’m Awais, a passionate software developer with expertise in React Native, JavaScript, Firebase, SQL, SQLite & MySQL.
Vikash Upadhyay Vikashup2109

Urban Culture ( Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Currently I am working on React Native
Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

Nicolas Godefroy nicolas-godefroy-dev
Software engineer at @Bounceapp

@Bounceapp undefined

Manpreet Singh designviacode
Full-Stack Engineer

Tallinn, Estonia

Tanvir Raj tanvirraj
Product Engineer

@buttondown Dhaka

MUNDE SANJAY im-crooked

Alvyl Consulting HYDERABAD

hakuna matata guMcrey
Stay real.

Advance Intelligence Group Beijing, China