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Matéo H. Petel fraware


Mad Scientist AnotherMadScientist
Founder CTO & Founder, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur

John Flynn johnpeterflynn
Computer Vision, Graphics and Robotics

TU Munich Munich, Germany

April AustereTriceratops
3D graphics and artificial intelligence Check out my page for webGL projects

Seattle, WA

Sky Walker30263
CMU '27 // Hobbyist programmer // Web development projects and competitive programming mainly.

Pennsylvania, USA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Derek Sorensen dhsorens

University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

Suraj Kumar surajk-m
Bye Bye Bye .. bYTEs ! 0 -> MaxBytes-1


Kha Le KhaLee2307
"The cashier of the memory bank"

University of Information Technology - Vietnam National University (VNUHCM) Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam 🇻🇳

Jclian percent4
微信公众号:NLP奇幻之旅 知识星球:自然语言处理奇幻之旅 知乎:NLP奇幻之旅


KABI dongguanting
🔥 Ph.D @ RUC | M.E. & B.E. @ BUPT |Focus on Alignment, RAG and LLM Reasoning.

Renmin University of China (RUC) Beijing, China

menneck Ezequiel-Menneck
Full-Stack developer currently working with Java Spring + Angular. Continuous learner studying Java, React, TypeScript and Golang

Salsa Technology Florianópolis

Peter Chatwell peterchatwell

Pilot Generative AI London

Diogo Ribeiro diogoribeiro1
Software Engineer, and Functional Programmer Enthusiast

Salvador, Ba

Alpesh Doshi adoshi

Fintricity London

Jules Dumezy jdumezy
PhD Student in FHE at CEA-List
Isaac BitSecret
PhD student, School of computer engineering and science, Shanghai University.
Ben Wakefield qedjdev

Northeastern Boston

StepBroBD stepbrobd
λƒ.(λ𝑥.ƒ(𝑥 𝑥))(λ𝑥.ƒ(𝑥 𝑥))

Northeastern University Boston, MA

Brenno Rodrigues BRonen
Functions describe the world.


Dirk R Englund dirkenglund
Associate professor of EECS at MIT

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA

Emmanuel C. Jemeni Jemeni11
Frontend developer, part-time Parselmouth, full-time idea hoarder. Too many ideas, too little time

Lagos, Nigeria.

Lorenzo Sciandra kelset
Open Source, Mental Health and React Native

London, UK

Daniel Markow danielmarkow
software developer

Volkswagen AG Braunschweig

Jeremy Lindsay jnlindsay
BS in mathematics. Software Engineer at WiseTech Global.

WiseTech Global Sydney, NSW, Australia

Junyu Cao junyucao1024
PhD student in math at NYU (2024 - )

New York University