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Serghei Samoilenco samoilenco-ser
TUM, B.Sc. Electrical Engineering ‘27
Hans Schallmoser hansSchall
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Student at TUM • TypeScript + Rust = ❤️

Bavaria, Germany

BowenLi lbw20060503
entry programmer, learning java and python, new to github

Nanjing university China

HackTheSys hackthesys
I'm a person, who likes coding and CyberSecurity.

HackTheSys Outside the Milky Way

Fabrice Dos Santos Gomes FabriceGomes
On my way to become an electrical engineer

Luzern, Switzerland

A bio


임정주 CraftJJGamer308
Jeongjoo Lim - Student developer

Craft JJ Industries Landeshauptstadt München, Freistaat Bayern

Daniel Senften dsenften
Seit 1989 bin ich als Informatiker, Dozent und Entrepreneur mit verschiedenen Startups erfolgreich in der ICT-Welt unterwegs.

Talent Factory GmbH Switzerland

Benno Bielmeier bbenno
Research, Linux, RoR
