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Taimoor Mirza TAM360
DevOps Engineer | CKAD | CKA | K8s, Go, and Python ❤️


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
shen_changqing changqings
devops and cloud native

Shenzhen. China

Adrian Torrie adriantorrie
HPC/AI Solution Architect. Likes AI, autonomous vehicles, and finance. Recently focused on development in Python and C++. Might be convinced to learn Go.

Gold Coast, Australia

Nash Tsai nashtsai Hangzhou, China

Jingkang Jiang francis-jjk
kubernetes autoscaling and scheduling

CloudPilot AI USA

Leonardo Waclawovsky leonardotw

Gehirn Curitiba - PR - Brasil

David U davidusken

@timeanddate Riska

Tanuj Dwivedi tanujd11
Software Engineer at @tetrateio

@Tetrateio Remote

이경은 2kyung19

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Tibor Teebor-Choka
Dream big, build bigger. @Provizanta @hoprnet @eva-gallery @kauki-labs

Research & Development EU

Rishi Yadav rishiyadav1923

Student Mathura, Uttar-Pradesh, India

Benoit CATILLON bencat-sixense

@sxd-platform Rueil Malmaison, France

Pete Warnock pwarnock

Irvine, California, USA

Daniel Krook krook
Senior Director of Developer Experience at the @cncf / @linuxfoundation, ex-@IBM Principal Engineer, and founding CTO of @Call-for-Code

@cncf Connecticut, USA

Md. Afzal Hassan Ehsani iemafzalhassan
Bridging Development and Operations | Passionate About Scaling & Orchestrating Production Applications with DevOps

@EddieHubCommunity India

Amol bhalerao amolbhalerao1996
AWS cloud and DevOps Enthusiast
Pratik Chavan cpratik1307

Student Pune, Maharashtra

Anup Shedge anup70970
I am DevOps engineer... Working on automating different tasks using python , bash , ansible , terraform etc.


Gaurang Kudale gaurangkudale
DevOps Freelancer | Open-Source Developer at Google Summer Of Code 2022 | DevOps Intern at @Ridecell

DevOps Freelancer Pune

Sai saik41
Just Sharing My DevOps Journey


Ayushk00 TechNinjaAyush
Currently I am in 2nd year at PICT Pune
Nikhil Kamode Nikhilkamode
An aspiring geek

GH Raisoni clg of engineering and technology Pune