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Jacob Turbulentarius
Linux nerd and Web-developer, enjoying life in Denmark.

@beamtic Denmark

Thanh Thai thanhlethai
Product Manager

Nexi | Nets Copenhagen

Edin Dedagic ededagic
Shopware Agentur aus dem Ruhrgebiet


Ben fibenacci
( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆)

@B2BSellers GmbH Essen

Philipp Tuchardt pt1602
Webdeveloper and tech enthusiast based in the middle of germany.

@8mylez Germany

kendru endarkx

Dharan, Nepal

Hung Mac hungmac-sw
Former Shopware core | Focus 100% on Shopware 6 Current state: Open to work

Da Nang, Vietnam

Rafael Prukop MBDealer
💚 Developer & Business Owner @ suricate-develop, Schöppingen 💚 📡 Ham Radio DG5YPR @ N44, Telgte 📡

suricate-develop Schöppingen, Germany

Alexander Schmidt kiplingi
Web developer with a focus on Shopware, Vue and Symfony