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Emir Kaan Özdemir emirkaanozdemr
Data Scientist | Astronomy and Quantum Computing Enthusiast | Founder of @Qranscend | Co-Founder of @Lyra-AI-Team | High School Student

Istanbul, Turkey

Haodong Chen Donovan0243

University of Queensland University of Queensland

Harry Scells hscells
Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow

Leipzig University Leipzig, Germany

Tharita Tipdecho ttharita

The University of Queensland Brisbane, QLD

Amir Asadi AmirrezaAsadi
PhD Candidate in IT, Human-AI Interaction Researcher

University of Cincinnati United States

felix-wang numb3r3
@jina-ai working on Embedding, Ranking and Small Language Models. Past @HUYA-AI, @ Tencent-AI

@jina-ai Shenzhen, China

i am just a bot stars interesting projects
Jonathan de Bruin J535D165
Research engineer working on software, datasets, and tools to advance open science 👐 @UtrechtUniversity @asreview

Utrecht University Netherlands

Lucas H. McCabe lucasmccabe

@lmiconsulting Boston, MA

ZHANG Zhi tczhangzhi

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Rudolf J rudolfjs
🥼Data Laboratory Lead 🔬Research Fellow 📚 HDR @ The University of Queensland
Jonathan J Ross (JJ) jonathanjross
PhD student at the University of Queensland.
Hang Li hanglics
PhD Candidate @ielab in UQ. Research Interests: Information Retrieval, Conversational Search, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing

@ielab Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Chuting Yu chutingyu
PhD Student @ielab in UQ. Research Interests: Information Retrieval, Systematic Review, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing

@ielab Queensland, Australia

Xinyu Mao Shinyu-Mao
PhD student @ UQ

The University of Queensland Brisbane, QLD

Shuai Wang wshuai190
UQ PhD student ielab

The University of Queensland Brisbane

J Mackenzie JMMackenzie

The University of Queensland Brisbane, Australia

Miguel Palencia-Olivar mpalenciaolivar
ML Engineer / MLOps | 5+ groupes satisfaits ✅ | PhD en Informatique 🤖

Freelance Lyon, France

Bevan Koopman bevankoopman
Senior Research Scientist @ CSIRO and Associate Professor @ Uni of Qld Most work related repos found on @ielab

CSIRO Brisbane, Australia

Shuyi Wang Karlywang
PhD student @ielab, UQ. Interested in Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, Federated Learning

UQ Australia