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Diogo Vieira Kazadhum
Researcher at UAveiro | Robotics and Calibration
Joaquim Rosa JakeRosa

@detiuaveiro - Universidade de Aveiro Aveiro

Alexandre Cotorobai AlexandreCotorobai
MSc in Computer Science and Engineering @ DETI | Aveiro University

@detiuaveiro Aveiro

Manuel Gomes manuelgitgomes
Research Fellow and PhD Student in Robotics and AI at University of Aveiro

@lardemua Aveiro, Portugal

Lucas Dal'Col lucasrdalcol
Ph.D. Student in the field of Perception for Autonomous Driving at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. FCT Research Fellow.

University of Aveiro Aveiro - Portugal

João Carvalho joaomrcarvalho
Exploring topics like compression algorithms and machine learning using Python.

University of Aveiro Aveiro, Portugal

Roshan Poudel gundruke


Luís Bastião Silva bastiao
Research and Innovation Engineer; python, java, nodejs, javascript ; medical imaging, dicom, ihe, information retrieval, cloud computing and semantic web.

@BMDSoftware Aveiro, Portugal

Alina Liliana Trifan alina-trifan
Invited Assistant Professor@UA R&D Tax Incentives Manager@ANI