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Cory G Stevenson corygstevenson
Architectural Engineer - Healthcare

@Microsoft Ohio

Austin Yuan ajyuan

@google San Francisco

Ola Osman Oliya-lola
I am Software Engineer love coding and curious about IOT and IoTsecurity using @ethereum recently doing my reseach on Distributed Systems.


Mayur Raiturkar mayurkr
Blockchain DevOps R/D | Founder @RescapeIO | prev. @binance & @trustwallet

Goa, India

CITK- Software Engineering, Class of 2026

Central Institute of Technology Assam, India

Paulo R. A. Sales salespaulo
Desenvolvedor desde 2002, amante de desenvolvimento, matemática, física, filosofia, antropologia e espiritualidade! Tudo de bom neste mundão!! :)

Freunde Von Ideen São Paulo

R.G. Lefever rgfaber
Caught the bug in the early 80s, hacking assembly and BASIC on the ZX81, getting paid to have fun since the early 90s, radio amateur (SP8RL).

DisComCo sp.z.o.o Leuven, Belgium

Robin Robin-lr
🛡️ Cybersecurity | Conquering Blockchain 🔥
Aleksei Dolgikh (@alexdolbun) C҈͉̠̀̓͒̆͒ͅV̷̤̳̥̠͐͑͆̈̓O̷͖̲̿̂ alexdolbun
🅰️ Aleksei Dolgikh 🎴 IT Tech & strategic mastermind at @unicornwitnesses & @Muteit 🦄 CVO, Head QA in WFA digital product innovation QA workflow in value CD Worldwide: Europe Asia America Africa Australia USA

kid1carus kid1carus

kid1carus d3sign NYC

Rishit Rish-it
Tech Enthusiast 🍎
Moneypenny DJMoneypenny
world affairs 🌐®
Len P. van der Hof Lenvanderhof
Think Big — Build Beyond. Founder & owner of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Three 0x3ree
Under construction.
Leandro Teran Xolocotzi LeandroTeran
Hello, I am an engineer dedicated to the development of Internet Of Things electronic projects, from the idea that our clients propose us to the production. MEXICO

Sugato Ray sugatoray
I am a Physicist turned Data Scientist + ML Practitioner. Research Interests: Data Science, ML, DL, Statistics, Math, Computing, LLMs.

Truist Indiana, USA

ph0enixd0wn ph0enixd0wn420
Artist, CEO & Founder of Mile High Gear in Denver, CO.

Mile High Gear Denver

Marcos Meneses MAMware
after 30 years, back to code


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jason Sopko jasonsopko
Open source and free speech advocate. I validate Cosmos chains as 🐔 The Chicken Coop 🦝 Homestead

Sopko Technologies, LLC Spring Church, PA

Javier Cortés Pérez Ailakks
games client + server modder, web frontend + backend & native android apps developer :octocat:

@beatcorp Spain

Prince kumar 855princekumar
🤖 Mechatronics | 🌍 IoT & AI | ⚡ Edge Computing | 🚀 Building Autonomous Systems

@innovationsfy india

Md. Baizid Hossain Jhalak jhalak23

Brian Station 23 Ltd. Dhaka, Bangladesh

Md Abdullah Al Noman Noman5237
A software engineer with a passion for problem solving and an aptitude for integration, I have experience in transforming requirements into working solutions.
Cameron Smith cameronraysmith

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA

Nguyen Viet Tien tiennv-u2u

unicornultralabs Vietnam

Sran Manpreet sranmanpreet
A Full Stack web developer with more than ten years of experience in IT industry. Specializes in creating futuristic web applications and websites.

Equilend Chandigarh

Paul D. Paulinhx
Cybersecurity Analyst | Software Engineer | Threat Detection & Defense | Risk, Compliance & Sustainability | Nurtured by Music & Arts EMEA, Remote