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Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
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Xanadu Canada

Kent Wong kentwongg
Python Backend Developer, AWS & DevOps engineer. University of Calgary Computer Science Alumni

Toronto, Canada

Harmeet Matharoo hmjatt
Full Stack Dev 👨‍💻 | Helping people along the Journey 🙏 | Hardware Tinkerer 🎮| Coffee Fanatic | Immensely Curious 🧐


Guillaume Larose theonlyguills Ottawa, Canada

Kyle Ryc WildRyc

Algonquin College Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Dmytro Kavetskyy Dmytrocode
4th Year Undergraduate Computer Science Student at the University of Regina
Ashar Ahmed asharahmed

SM Medicine Professional Corp. Canada

Khalid Kana'an khalidkanaan
CU Software Engineering grad passionate about crafting robust solutions & optimizing development processes.
Ben Soicher bsoicher

@dnd-mdn Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Tom Kubicek tomkubicek
Senior Software Architect/Developer with exceptional technical and customer service skills and an aptitude for problem solving in difficult technical situations

Health Canada | Santé Canada @hc-sc Ottawa Ontario

Joanne Stares JCStares
Epidemiologist, Training and Development Unit

Public Health Agency of Canada St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

Kamil ktracz86

Health Canada Ottawa, ON

Luiz Guidolin lguidolin

Public Health Agency of Canada Ottawa

Andrew Lamarche alamarch

Health Canada/Public Health Agency of Canada Ottawa, ON