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Sarthak Sanay sanaysarthak
"Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it's bad."

Rashtriya Raksha University Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Akhil Pillai ackle-dev
Moderator of @opensource-force Member of @hackclub

@opensource-force SFO Bay Area

rishabhkrm rishabhkrmahato

nerd doctor from pdugmc rajkot INDIA

aaronintheskies shutupaaron
I'm 31. I'm kind of crazy, but at the end of the day I really just want to be at home in front of my computer learning code and design.

@lucyintheskies Austin,TX

Not-Koto73 NotKoto-73
Busy Doing Things to Prevent the Holocaust

Lucidity Managment Corp. Thule

Michael Makarenko makarenm
MCS graduate from Trinity College Dublin.

Trinity College Dublin Co. Dublin, Ireland

Jiayi Jia Jannik-Jia
I am a college student intrested in MRI and Deep Learning science
Faraz Fallahi fffaraz
It is not enough for code to work.

Software Engineer San Francisco Bay Area

Rizwan rizwansammo
Faith over Fear.

BRAC University Bangladesh

CC. K@nell sissonio
Doggo Domesticus

Hyperlinc Web Services Athens

Nikodem zipos
19yo trying into mobile development

Katowice, Poland

Jithil Pankaj jithil89
Javascript enthusiast


brunurb brunurb

NIXY Lisboa

Ahmad Wildan shironeko2
S1 Informatika - Bina Sarana Informatika

Jakarta Barat

HieuDC hiengyen

ACTVN Viet Nam

Dzuro Karpedi
Master’s Student | Tester | open-source & Crypto Enthusiast

University of Ljubljana Slovenia

sai sai23sai
just make things for fun
Raul Myron RaulMyron
zup :')

UnB - Universidade de Brasília Brasil

Deepak suryawanshi deepaksy
Hey!, I'm a Developer,learner and a tech enthusiast, learning modern technologies to make useful tools and utilities for world. I am a follower of opensource

Tata technologies Korba, Chhattisgarh, India

Srinjan Dutta WizardDutta
I am a student, currently into web dev, ML and DL.