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Yi Dai zrxdaly
Researcher in Plant-Environment Interactions
Dr. Andrew SONG andrewsoong

Inner Mongolia Meteorological Service/China Meteorological Administration Hohhot,China

AlTheOne AlTheOne
Backend Engineer


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Thenuja Dulwana thenujad
Driven by creativity and determination to achieve goals through innovative thinking.

Coventry University , UK Colombo, Western province, Sri Lanka

Grigoris Ballas gribal

@vanoord Rotterdam, The Netherlands

HitachiWang HitachiWang
Atman`s Fire

Nanjing University

Panu Maalampi PanuMaaFMI
PhD researcher in FMI's NWP group

Finnish Meteorological Institute Helsinki, Finland

Caspar Jungbacker CasparJungbacker
Cloud computing @dalesteam ☁️ Fortran enthusiast.

The Netherlands


East China Normal University Shanghai

Amin Shakya mn5hk

ITC, Department of Water Resources, University of Twente Enschede, The Netherlands

Riley Hales rileyhales
Hydraulics and Hydrology, Numerical Modeling, Statistics, Machine Learning, Remote Sensing, Web Dev

Brigham Young University

Biao Zhao Biao-Zhao
Atmosphere-Ocean-Wave coupled model, Air-Sea-Wave interaction, Tropical Cyclone, Wind Energy

Uppsala University Uppsala, Sweden

Ayoub Mehbali mhbayoub
Meteorological Engineer at the NWP departement of the national office of meteorology,Algeria

ONM,Algeria Algeria

Hugo Brunie hbrunie
PostDoc in UGA, INRIA Grenoble, France. Doctor in CS from Bordeaux University, hosted by CEA and INRIA Bordeaux. Master in CS from Enseirb-Matmeca, Bordeaux.
Issam LAGHA issamlagha
Hi, I'm a Meteorologist, but I'm more interested in Numerical Weather Prediction modelling and Data Assimilation.

ONM Algeria Algeria

Christopher Romick romick-knmi

KNMI De Bilt, The Netherlands

Konstantis Alexopoulos k-alexopoulos
PhD candidate in snow hydrology ❄️ & mountain climate 🏔️

Scott Polar Research Institute Cambridge, UK

Shirin Ermis shirin-ermis
PhD student in atmospheric physics at the University of Oxford
Nikolaos Tselepidis ntselepidis
Compute DevTech Engineer at NVIDIA

@NVIDIA, ETH Zurich Zurich, Switzerland

Nicole Rivera nicolerivera1
Physicist - Universidad de Antioquia | Always learning


Physicist working in software development


Yoran Cherbonnier CherbYoran
Meteorologist from Federal University of Santa Maria.
Junhong Lee junhonglee89
Research Professor at Kyungpook National University

Kyungpook National University Seoul

XiaoCongGe Cong-Lee

187 杭州