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Mayur Parmar mayur434
Java Developer

TeknoPoint Mumbai

lolito radlee
Agile Full Stack Developer

ORIGIN2020 Delft South

Elias Nascimento EliasNascimento

Devoteam / Altice Lisbon - PT

Gabriel Salas ggsalas
Frontend Engineer

@rocketinsights Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Steve Holsinger sholsinger
Technical/Solution Architect, Certified @SalesforceCommerceCloud B2C Architect, @sfcc-unofficial community leader, technical team leader, manager, mentor

@DeptAgency Carlisle, PA

Andrew Carretta andrewcarretta
Architecting solutions for the laboratory through software


Ethan Burrow texasjusticar
Writing Ruby for over 17 years

@deptagency Holliston, MA

Dallas Huggins dallashuggins
Software Engineer at Rocket Insights.

Nottingham, New Hampshire

DiegoSeverini tres-caras

@deptagency-dar Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Agustin agrojas
Computer Science, UBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

@taller-de-programacion-2 Buenos Aires

Cláudia Pereira Oliveira claudiacaus
Frontend Developer

The Hague - Netherlands

Colonel Panic xtools-at
Some guy with a computer @BuildOnBeam // Web-, App- and Blockchain-developer // Arduino, IoT, Hardware

@BuildOnBeam Vienna, Austria

Bruno Queiroz brunoqueiroz1984
Homo homini lupus est

Compe10ce Dresden, Germany

Adam Fraser afraser
I build web applications, component libraries, and manage engineering teams. I also have a history of building visualization and analysis platforms for biotech.

DEPT®/Digital Products Newburyport, MA

Aaron Weissman aweissman11
Fullstack software engineer. Loves dogs.

Devetry Cincinnati, OH

Marco Maza marcomazadept
Software Developer


John Berger johnmberger

@turnercode atlanta

Chantal Deaton cmdea
Senior Software Engineer at Moody's

Moody's Vermont

Juan Pablo Tyrlik jptyrlikdept
Node.js Developer @rocketinsights (part of @deptagency)

@rocketinsights @deptagency Argentina

Federico Nieto Fedenieto90
Software Engineer 💻. iOS Engineer at DEPT® @deptagency 📱. Surf enthusiast 🏄‍♂️.

DEPT® Mar del Plata, Argentina

Nic Ford nicdford
Primarily working with React and TypeScript. Currently at @alterdomus-analytics.

Alter Domus Boise, ID

Tiago Rios tiagojsrios

@Eneco Netherlands

macro macrone

Dept Braunschweig

James Simm jimmah
Principal Developer @dept

@dept Manchester, UK

Jörg Lehmann joerglehmann
Creative Developer at @deptagency

@deptagency Berlin, Germany