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Uchenna Ogbonna bonexx5
A Data Lover and Enthusiast.

Boundless Pay Sheffield, United Kingdom

askb askb
Linux Evangelist Release Engineer@LF Programmer Bicyclist, Motorcyclist & a Bush walker.
Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

#NotTheOne Cynn1989

Atlassian Healthcare Services Houston

Austin Songer, CISSP austinsonger
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Lead, MIS,CEH,ESCA,Project+ (Navy Veteran)

Chicago, Illinois

Jordan jrichy1

Gov Student USA 🇱🇷

Zack Koppert zkoppert
Senior Engineering Manager, @github

@github Portland, OR

Daniel Krook krook
Senior Director of Developer Experience at the @cncf / @linuxfoundation, ex-@IBM Principal Engineer, and founding CTO of @Call-for-Code

@cncf Connecticut, USA

Tate Gunning TateGunning
Devoted to development objectives, advancing equal rights internationally, & neutralities without agenda; only to add value

Gunning Global Industries Arizona, USA

John Owen Nixon johnowennixon
Avocados, Boxes, Colours, Dilbert, Escher, Fusion, Genomics, Hedgehogs, Illumination, Jesus, Knots, Linux, Mackintosh, Nutrition, Oxford, Pencils, Quotes, ...

DevOps Engineer @candide-com Bristol, UK

learning and applying in daily life...

play fab. com

Crystal_Alchemist q1blue

Quantum Blockchain Ai

Gerald Chavez Jr Chavezjune

Albuquerque,New Mexico

Emanuele Ballarin emaballarin
PhD student in (neuro-inspired) Deep Learning. Also: robust / trustworthy / Bayesian DL, kernel methods, computational neuroscience. Overenthusiastic tinkerer.

Dept. of Maths, UniTS | @LACoNIC-UniTS ⊆ @ailab-units | @sissa-data-science | @AI-Student-Society Trieste, Italy

Barbosa infobarbosa
Fast Data enthusiast!

Itaú Unibanco Brazil