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Ramanathan Perumal PhD ramamet
Data / Computational Scientist 👨🏻‍💻

Data Netherlands

Archer Banyan Natedi
DIMEJ - Digital Meta Junction. Decentralized platform/agency to facilitate development and marketing of startup projects at no/low cost. We are pre-hiring all

San Francisco, CA

Muhammed Safvan Safvan-tsy

Armino Technologies India

Elijah Spina, PhD flowscience
Hi, my name's Elijah and I like science.


Luís Pedro Pinto pinnpin
Developer Expert @ Chainlink Labs


Xiaohu Zhu tigerneil
Strong, but safe.

Center for Safe AGI Earth

Aaron E-J TheOtherRealm
Teacher, Programmer, Philosopher

The Other Realm The Universe

Chima Iheanyichukwu iheanyi1
Certified Google Cloud Engineer, Entrepreneur, Learner, team builder, technical assistant, Prestashop Ambassador.

Seedline Capital (email: [email protected]) Biafra Land

Tom finalboss-tom
Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam
Bude Bude0409
Doing the right thing
Umeh Ekene KenUmeh
On my journey to utilize tech as a tool to improve lives

Nomba Lagos, Nigeria

Scott Burwell, PhD sjburwell
Founder & CEO of Neurotype Inc., developer of apps for supporting recovery in addictions and behavioral disorders.

Neurotype Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota

James Uche Jamex6
Hi, I'm A UI/UX professional, with over a year in learning experience, I conduct user research, create user-centered designs, wireframes and produce designs.
Timothy Olaleke Timtech4u
Cloud Resident


Jason Donmoyer jdonmoyer
threddies, LLC. co-founder; Android dev; BJCP beer judge/geek; All around sound, light, electronics & chemistry tinkerer.

Threddies Philly burbs


verity systems 18th century naval tactics on the high asphalts

Mike P. Sinn mikepsinn
May all suffering be abolished by machines of loving grace

Crowdsourcing Cures St. Louis, MO