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Basant saini Basant1Saini
Backend Dev. Movies, series, games (Chess, PUBG, GTA V), music (Punjabi & Rajasthani).

Not yet Jaipur, rajasthan

Nho Luong nholuongut
💁Vietnam DevOps Engineer Lead🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳Vietnam Timeless Charm 🥰Enjoy Every Moment 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳😜Good Vibes Only

DevOps and Platform Services Lead From Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

FreeBSD<$>Haskell<*>Emacs >>= Fire
パン君 BreadMotion
どっかのとあるゲームエンジニア ゲーム、ツール、エンジン、DBその他なんでも 最近C#ばっかり触ってて思考放棄コーディングしがち...
Tana0910 Tana0910
A Software Engineer living in Tokyo
Tatsuya Shiozawa tatsuya-shiozawa
Founder and CEO at COCOTONE, Inc.

COCOTONE, Inc. Japan

fktn fktn-k
an embedded software engineer


yy-tromb yy-tromb
一介のクズ。思い付きが多い。英語は適当。 I'm a waste of human. My English skills are very low.
zengqingfu1442 zengqingfu1442
Right now I'm a Devops Engineer working in Beijing.My major in university is Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.

Free Work

Оджасви К. Мишра kr1m1nal
An aim-less boy running with ignited mind. 😥

New Delhi



cqwrteur trcrsired
Author of C++ fast_io library and World of Warcraft Lua curseforge AddOn LookingForGroup Ph.D. of Computer Science
Yuki Kusakabe yuqlid
Robotics Embedded Engineer

Tokyo, Japan

Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

Konstantin KonstantinDjairo
hates js/bloat and works at ajattix


HR think-cell HR-think-cell
We are hiring C++ developers and reverse engineers to improve our automated graphic software.

think-cell Berlin, Germany

Satoshi Watanabe sassy

@doctormate-jp Kanagawa, Japan

Maruyama Hideto hideto008
Mechatronics Control System Engineer
Awayume Awayume
Japanese High School Student, Age 18.

@PescadoGames Aichi/Japan

Home, where I'm always belonged.

ShangHai, China

mio-dokuhaki mio-dokuhaki
A run-of-the-mill Programmer (all major languages). / OS: Arch Linux ARM / Editor: LazyVim(Neovim) & Spacemacs(Emacs)

Kurume city , Fukuoka Pref. , Japan

Tomoaki Tsugawa clown
CEO/Owner of CubeSoft, Inc. Programmer of Windows desktop applications such as CubePDF series, CubeVP, CubeICE, CubeNote, and more.

@cube-soft Japan

ekusiadadus ekusiadadus
A Software Engineer, based in Tokyo


tomolatoon tomolatoon
I am a high school student and I like C++.


Akiemon sibafb
Embedded Engneer


Neos21 Neos21
どうも Neo です。

Neo's World

火炎の飛竜 Slimebreath6078
火炎の飛竜です。英語はあまり得意ではないですが、何卒 I can speak only Japanese, but English a little.
Tatsuya Shiozawa COx2
Founder and CEO at COCOTONE, Inc. Founder/Editor of JUCE JAPAN. I Love JUCE, Audio Programming, Audio Application, Audio Plugin, Synthesizer, MIDI, DSP, OSC

COCOTONE, Inc. / JUCE JAPAN / Outlaw Faction Japan

S.A SyuyaAbe
My recent interests:Nonlinear Physics , Quantum Information Theory etc
Raclamusi Raclamusi
・_・ C++初心者 [.,>₋<.,⁺] ←BFちゃん