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sparky4 sparky4
i am finished with school. lets program!


Leo leomaybe

@OK-GG Sydney, Australia

Stepan Samutichev samutich
«𝓘𝓽 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤™» 🍫

Fuco Worldwide

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Victor deMatos vvrmatos
(I eat parentheses for breakfast) Spaceman Y2K38

@Byteram Brazil

Dylan d-bryan
Full Stack Engineer || Systems Engineer || Homelab Enthusiast

West Virginia

HARSH KUMAR I-harsh-kumar
Interested in computer Architecture and low level systems.
Rahiel Kasim rahiel

The Netherlands

Zhiwei Liang ChihweiLHBird
Software Engineer at @linode; ASU alumni; work GitHub account: @zliang-akamai

@akamai @linode Jersey City, NJ, USA

Nullpointer NullpointerWorks
NullpointerWorks project repository.

@NullpointerWorks Netherlands, Utrecht

Stefan Reinauer reinauer

@google San Francisco Bay Area

Mao mao1910
Not a Full-Stacker


Felix Schröter felschr
Turning 🍵 into scalable systems.

up² | upsquared Germany

Diego Aragón Aragon-Diego

@saftu Monterrey, NL, México

Ildar Sagdejev specious
Looking for contract work with AWS, React, SolidJS
Célio da Silva Júnior Icedwolf
Computer Alchemist | rtfm

@globalgatedc, @bludata Blumenau/SC

XORandom XORandom
Master's degree in CS


cheese DeanLemans


Atanu Biswas Atanu484
If it's working fine, it's probably due for an upgrade :D

Modirum Tallinn, Estonia

Credit and Finance Expert | Developer I'm Rick Jefferson, a seasoned credit and finance expert with over a decade of experience in financial literacy,
Ramu Mangalarapu developer1622
Passionate Software Engineer, Golang, REST APIs, gRPC, Docker, and k8s. I am excited about Cloud-native and a forever learner!
