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anaya anaya-yorke
building in software here on GitHub
Selena selenasat
Eager student, occasional procrastinator, and full-time debugger of my own code. Trying to be more studious—right after this commit.


Daamin Ashai Daamin909
I am trying to be a dev.

Delhi Public School, Srinagar Srinagar, J&K

Hafsah Muzaffer Hafsah-Muzaffer
HS sophomore

Jammu and Kashmir, India

Shane Curcuru ShaneCurcuru
Punderthings Consulting - new ways of engaging with open source. Director, Apache Software Foundation. Co-Founder, Glassful Enterprises.

@apache @Punderthings New England

Mohd Toukir Khan toukirkhan
GitHub Campus Expert 🚩 | Director @codeday

@CodeDay Bhilai, India

Axiom Axiom0599
I build random stuff!
Aizen Baidya aizenbaidya

Cupertino, CA

Oluwatobi Ikuesan oluwatobiikuesan
Building useful applications and business enhancing tools.

Brunel University UK

Aram aramshiva
Doing stuff across the interwebs. Owns a computer.

@hackclub Seattle

Prakhar Verma iPrakharV
CS @Purdue | Regional Manager @codeday | Organizer @GDG-on-Campus-Purdue-University-FW

@codeDay @purdue United States

Akif M. dotcomaki
Program Lead, Technical Mentoring at CodeDay • Sophomore at IIT Madras

@CodeDay | @CodeDay-Lucknow | IIT Madras India

Srijit DevSrijit
Hi ! I'm a 17 year old front end developer, hardware geek, and technologist !

@hackclub @codeday @cowrite-media @codeday-kolkata Kolkata, India

Muyun Ji Muyun2023
Bear Down 2025!

NEU Seattle

Adeyeye Abraham Bobbyxxxxx
Enthusiastic student yearning to make waves in the world of front end development
Jarek Machaj jarekmachaj
will code HTML for food

Cracow, Poland

Nikollesan LuanderFarias
create stuff.

@atmonoliths localhost

Lucas Honda LucasHT22
Sao Paulo - Brazil | Contributor @hackclub | Developer since July/2021

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Khaleel Gibran khalby786
if optimus prime was a diy hardware project, i'm the one who made him

@TinkerHub @CodeDay United Arab Emirates

Nivin ilynivin
Developer @Theme-Cord @Xelyer

@Xelyer @Theme-Cord Localhost:300

Brianna Magtoto briannamagtoto
living, consuming, creating 🌞

san diego & new haven

Renice Owino Renice-Owino

Nairobi Kenya

Wu Tingfeng elliotwutingfeng
🐼 I love tinkering with web technologies


Karan Choudhary karanchoudhxry
17 - Builiding things with code.


Sonicx180 sonicx180
Fullstack Developer


Shubham Patil ShubhamPatilsd
student dev

Bay Area, California

Josiah Necl0
16 • Aspiring ML/AI Engineer


TJ Horner tjhorner

@twosense Redmond, WA

Felix-Ayush Ayush7614
DevRel Guy | Cloud, DevOps, Open Source & AI Enthusiast | Ex- TechLatest.Net, OpenGig, XeroCodee, Humalect, QwikSkills & NimbleEdge | Community Builder

Remote India, New Delhi

Sanidhya Dave SaniTheWay
Cloud Engineer | C# | Azure Cloud | .NET Developer 🏗️ | Backend 🚪 | LINUX 🐧

@amitycodingclub India

Suryaansh Chawla suryaanshah
Love to learn !

India i.e. Bhārătă

Andrew Schmitz SchmitzAndrew
Building minutes @

San Diego

erik savage eriksavage
Full Stack Software Developer - Rails, Javascript, React, .NET, C#


Lola oohwooh
she/her || Full stack developer proficient in TypeScript, JavaScript, GraphQL, React, and Python || VP, programs & engineering @codeday


Kai Devrim KaiDevrim
Full-Time Student, Part-Time Computer Wizard

@devrimtech Seattle, WA