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yok939 yok939
I'm learning Python, C++ and Javascript And destroy my brain with Ubuntu



Rice University Houston, TX, USA

Chun Cheng Yeh leafoliage
Preffered name: Leaf / Chun

NYCU Taiwan

Done is better than perfect

Taipei, Taiwan

Sung-Chi, CHIANG (schiang) SungChiCHIANG
A software engineer with a background in mechanical engineering and control science.

Taipei, Taiwan

KennHuang kennhung

NYCU CSIE Chiayi, Taiwan

CornGuo cornguo

New Taipei City, Taiwan

QiaoYi Lin qiaoyi213
A student learning programing and quantum computing.

National Central University Chiayi

Tony Yang t510599
> 與其給他魚,不如給他曬網。/ Web Developer / CTF Player (with @XxTSJxX).

@stoneapptech Taiwan

cseslowpoke cseslowpoke

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Taiwan


NCKU Taiwan

YuehChuan YuehChuan
Wild & Free


SCC scc-tw
Open source enthusiast. Chiayi Taiwan R.O.C

palapapa palapapa
I'm palapapa. I can program with my fingers.


Bo-Wei Chen BWbwchen
I love thinking.


Alan Jian alanjian85
A passionate high schooler and programmer specializing in low-level fields, with a focus on computer graphics, OS development and IC design.

Wu-Ling Senior High School Taoyuan, Taiwan