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Kyle King KyleKing
Senior Engineer at Parexel AI Labs. Previously at Meso Scale Diagnostics and Georgia Tech OMSCS Graduate.

Parexel Washington, DC

Adrian Resler adrianResler
Fullstack Product Engineer 🤸 Engaged in Crossfit

@getdreams Wielowicz, PL

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Titanic Kiwi TitanicKiwi
All my repos are private for now.
Hayden Brennan cygnatius
I try to code

Cygnatius Solutions Shepparton, AUS

Frank Fruityloops Olsen frankfruityloops
There he goes, one of God's own prototypes, a high powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live and too rare to die


Jamaluddin Rumi jamaluddinrumi

INDOMASCOT Bandung, Indonesia

Mathieu de Gouville degouville
Kiteboarder & Web Pro User 🌊🏄‍♂️⚡️ (+10y Sr FullStack Web Dev 🧞‍♂️)

GenDeck Dallas, TX

Seif Kobrosly seifscape
I make apps for humans.

Apptitude Labs LLC Washington, D.C.

Jamone Kelly Jamonek
Senior iOS Engineer @ Designer Brands

@MeheLLC Charlotte, NC

Marc Edwards marcedwards
Founder and designer at @bjango.


Daniel Rotärmel danielrotaermel
Software Engineer

@cariad-tech Munich

Darren Temple Reikyo

@theodi London, UK

Gastón Abril Rotger lud0matic
Photographer but sometimes I open VSCode. 📸👨🏻‍💻

Buenos Aires || Argentina

Tariq West tariqwest
Full Stack Software Engineer. Language, framework, and platform promiscuous, but Javascript inclined.

Freelance Washington, DC

Gareth Evans ggfevans
Chief Rubber Duck Officer

@vertigis British Columbia, Canada

Martin Bjeldbak Madsen martinbjeldbak
🇩🇰 in 🇦🇺

@anzx Melbourne, Australia

Scott Lutz slayer81
Armchair python warrior, basically just trying to learn by automating anything relevant.


Pushpahas Janardhan p000

@initial-commit-hq Toronto

Jiří Krblich JiriKrblich
Graphic & motion designer

Prague, Czech Republic

Marvin DevLiuSir
iOS & macOS & Python & JavaScript Software Engineer


Jose Marin jomarinb
Software Engineer

Costa Rica

MarcN MarcN-ar

Buenos Aires, AR

River riverthemz
I am from the future.
Henrik Helmers henrikhelmers
App developer for @Norsk-Tipping. Previously @tretoen, @vivaldi, @computas, @dbmedialab, @operasoftware. Used to be a pixel monkey 🐒

@norsk-tipping Stange, Norway

Ayush Singhal ayushs-2k4

magicpin New Delhi, India

Amd amddeus
Señor Developer

United States

Mitchell Knight mitchellknight
Art Director / Designer

We Are Knights Kennesaw, Georgia