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Mirko mirkohubtv
I'm Mirko, a developer based near Milan, Italy.

MirkoHubTV Milano

Conflexed Conflexed
Creating passion projects for all gamers to thrive

Auraside United States

Usman Aslam usmanaslam712
Ecosystem builder | Low code enthusiast | .NET Foundation member
Jb Jbablestime
Developer & Photographer

@The-Jb-Association Germany

Jari Juvonen maybeJari
A Finnish person, artist, streamer!

@Honkertown Finland

Mueen Memon mueen-memon
Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer


Kars Kars1996
🎆Web Developer. 💪Working on creating the next big thing Contact me on discord Kars1996

@ResyncedDesign London/Dubai

chosen welnias Poland, United States

Heitor Rosa heitorrosa
Developer and Hardware Enthusiast

Unicamp - COTIL Campinas, São Paulo - Brazil

Kris FlawlessCasual17
Housing SHOULD be a basic human right.

Alberta, Canada

Aldess AldessScratch
html/css/js Frontend

Idk France

David Dennison davidldennison
🎯SEO Mastermind | Content Marketing Wiz | Noob Developer🚀Combining SEO expertise, dev tools, and innovation to thrive at the crossroads of marketing and tech!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV

Sammi Deftu Deftu
Passionate full-stack developer, trying to make dreams come true!

South Africa

Aspect NotAspects
#Hardware | → Windows ◦ Linux ◦ Security
Uzair Aslam uzairaslam
Self-taught Geek 🙌 Full stack web developer💻 Favorite Languages: C# && js;


Broken USB broken-usb
Computer Engineering student since 2022.


𝔸𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕪 ♡ slammon
jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
Ikrom Yuldashev STYLEM1XED
Performance engineer that's always happy to answer questions.

Uzbekistan, Namangan

Termux Termuxtest1
A Bit Tech Savvy
Couleur couleurm
reach me: 'couleur{0}' -f '@'

@couleur-tweak-tips France

Ashvinth aAshvinth
I am a student who is currently learning python and scripts in general.
cipher. cipherwithadot
we'll meet again. don't know where. don't know when.

turn around