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Jeff Habibi iceberg1369
GNSS and embedded system developer

jeff Habibi UAE

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Otabek Rizayev Otabek-Rizayev
With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility!

@AsyncAI Kokand

Mario Mendoza mariomendoza0086
Java Developer | C# Developer


David Ogea dogea
The answer is 42

Frox AG Switzerland

Preston Le Febour pjlef808
Completed Junior Web Developer Bootcamp (Generation Australia) July-2021. - IT Mentor Myanmar , AusVols - Analyst/Developer - Suncorp Origin QBE HBF Aviva

Melbourne, Australia

Danny DannyFGitHub
researches AI and software engineer. Developing software, conducting research on continual dl, classical cv ml.
Rodrigo Trindade rotrindade
👨🏻‍💻Data Analyst 🇧🇷🇵🇹

Lisbon, Portugal

Léo Leikoe
I ❤️ accelerators

Enseirb-Matmeca France

labelektroDOTcom niamtamami Surabaya, Indonesia

Alexandre AlexoDess211
A random guy who likes coding and playing.


Mitchell Miller untold-titan
Software Developer // Gamer

The Milky Way

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Tech Lead

Akinon Istanbul

Rachel Suitor rjsuitor

Collective Dynamics and Control Lab

Leandro Martins Dallanora LeandroDallanora

Instituto Federal Farroupilha (IFFar) Uruguaiana-RS, Brasil

Certified Electronic Technician

United States

Noah Bruijninckx DualsFWShield
Informaticien dans l'âme, j'adore coder, découvrir et réparer ! Et plus !

Brn's Ottignies, Belgique

Hristo Ganchev hganchev
Software Design Engineer | TwinCAT/Codesys | Robotics | Automation | C# .NET developer | Python
Anmol Singh 28anmol
Mechatronic Systems Engineer(B.Sc.)

Robotics Lab, Hochschule Rhein Waal Kleve, Germany