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Frank Zheng TigerZheng
Impossible is that I'm possible!

Markem-Imaje Gothenburg, Sweden

Shea Zerda SnailShea
I like Linux and I'm bad at code


Micro Hobbyist FredericSegard
Electronics and retrocomputing enthusiast.

Montreal, QC, Canada

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Fabrício de Lima Ribeiro fabricioitajuba
Engenheiro Eletrônico de Projetos - Sênior

Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento Itajubá-MG-Brasil

Xuezhen Li xiaoeyou
Electrical Engineer,DSP Software Engineer,Bachelor's degree

Zhejiang Province, China

ROOT Tpj-root
We are all mirrors.


Danial Rahimi Danial-Rahimi1381
Embedded systems enthusiast working on microcontroller-based projects. Coding and tinkering with hardware to bring ideas to life. :)
Backwoods Bob BOBBYWY
I have no idea what I am doing here.
Randi Randi-Dcht
Student Computer Sciences

KolibriConsulting Namur

Kenan Bielteknik
Hello Life

KN4 Technology TURKEY / Erzurum