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Esmael Mohammed eusme
Software Engineer , Co-Founder of Qualliaware Software S.C

Qualliaware Software SC Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

LM lucasmodrich
Iterative Betterment. Scratcher of Itches


Maximilian Franzke mfranzke
UX Engineering Lead @ DB UX Design System

@db-ux-design-system @db-ui @deutschebahn @dbsystel Germany

Senior Architect @ C-TIVSC

EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG

Ekaterina Bolvakina EkaterinaBolvakina
Backend Developer (JAVA, Spring Boot)

Hamburg, Germany

Nizam Syed nizamuddinsyed
Passionate about innovation, collaboration, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

Landesbetrieb Straßen, Brücken und Gewässer, Hamburg Hamburg, Germany

Mateusz Stepaniuk stepaniukm
TypeScript Node.js Developer


punknoir101 punknoir101
Software Engineer -- interested in DDD, Clean Architecture -- .NET, Python, Typescript, Datascience

@tagesspiegel @urbanmedia Berlin, Germany

Stepan Samutichev samutich
«𝓘𝓽 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤™» 🍫

Fuco Worldwide

Gildas Quéméner gquemener

Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie, France

Edward Ceballos edwardceballos
I am a full-stack engineer and Software Architect whose passion lies in building great products

Bogotá, Colombia

Görkem Ballmüller goerkemballmueller
Upcoming Microsoft MVP, passionate software engineer & architect, author, speaker and open source contributor. I focus on software architecture with .NET Core

ballmüller solutions Berlin

Tobias Jäger tobb-it

@zeiss Ulm, Germany