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Aritra Roy aritraroy24
Doctoral Researcher at LSBU, UK | Piezoelectric Materials | Computational | Combining Science and Technology to Shape the Future of Microelectronics 🔬💻📚

London South Bank University London, UK

ChemCode_MLV Smartlyfe21
Chemical Engineer | AI, LLMs & ML Enthusiast Bridging machine learning with chemistry, energy, and sustainability to drive AI-powered innovation.
Guobin Zhao sxm13

Pusan National University Korea Busan

Rohith Srinivaas M rohithsrinivaas
Graduate Student Researcher @ UC Berkeley, Ex-Data Scientist. B.Tech & M.Tech, IIT Madras.

Berkeley Lab Berkeley, California, United States

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Chen-Hsuan Huang renan991995

National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan

Yujie Liu umichyujl
If I did not reply, I must be coding or debugging so forgive me plzzzzzzzz

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Sudheesh Kumar Ethirajan skethirajan
Ph.D. candidate (Prof. Kulkarni's group), University of California, Davis

Davis, CA, USA

Yi-An Lai ann2588
PhD Student in Chemistry|Chemistry Automation x Electrocatalyst Discovery|working on automating chemistry experiment to accelerate fundamental research

University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, California, United States

Dacheng Kuai dankuai
I am a physical chemist with research focused on atomistic simulations of interfacial phenomena.

Texas A&M University

Sky Guy 5ky9uy
(my open-source endeavors/contributions, school projects, and some forks for reference) --> (🦄) = [[∫(⚙️) ∫(🔐) ∫(🕸️) ∫(🧪) ∫(🎨) ∫(📝) ∫(📈)]*] / [⏳]
QiaoLin-Yang qlyang94
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Clifford(Cheng) Chen vcorange-chan

University of Queensland Brisbane

Steven Bennett stevenkbennett
Researcher at @orbital-materials

@ImperialCollegeLondon London

Hessam Mehr hessammehr

University of Glasgow Glasgow, UK

Hu Yu huyuhuster

Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS Beijing, China

Fintan Hardy FinHardy
PhD student at Imperial College London researching AI in microscopy, supervised by Aron Walsh and Shelly Conroy

Imperial College London London


University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

Auguste TETENOIRE augtetenoire
I'm a french post Doc in Quantum Chemistry and Solid State physics. More info on:
Ry Nduma ryannduma
Second year Imperial College Student studying Materials Science and Engineering with a focus on using computational tools & models to develop better solutions.

@ImperialCollegeLondon & @WMD-group London, United Kingdom

Jeffrey katzjeff
“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” ... ― Martin Luther

WEMA Technology Nairobi, Kenya

Riza Dervisoglu ri-de
I am a materials chemist. I use ssNMR and to investigate Proteins, Drugs, Li-ion battery materials, Ceramic materials, Zeolites, Wood products, and more.

Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion Aachen, Germany

Seán Kavanagh kavanase
Environmental Research Fellow at Harvard. Check out my website for more info!

@mir-group @WMD-group @SMTG-Bham Cambridge, MA

Seung-Hoon Yi Seunghoon-Yi
GSDS grad @ SNU

Seoul National University Gwanak-gu, Seoul.

Juno Nam recisic
PhD student at MIT DMSE | @learningmatter-mit