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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Timi-Artturi Mäkelä Liblastic
Software developer at @Vincit, musician and synthesizer enthusiastic. Most of my codes are here so I added my music link.

Vincit Finland

Pedro Machado Santa pedrosanta
Senior Software Engineer @Vincit

@Vincit Coimbra, Portugal

Mikko Siikaniemi mikkosiikaniemi
WordPress developer & accessibility enthusiast at @Vincit

@Vincit Seinäjoki, Finland

Benjamin Chavez benjamin-chavez
I am a Software Engineer with a background in Financial Analysis.

Chicago, Illinois

Huaichao Wang huaichaow

EPAM (Suzhou) Suzhou, China

Alexandre Rozante alexrozante
Senior Project Manager | Scrum Master Data Science Certificated. React|TS|JS, Java, Python, SQL, C, VB and Delphi development knowledge.


Evil Buck evilbuck
I make things and manage people.

evilbuck llc Hobe Sound, FL

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Ernie Jeash Villahermosa KarmaBlackshaw
Vue | Node | MySQL

Outliant Cebu, Philippines

John Lemuel G Hapa johnlemuel-hapa
Code now, drink later

Secret Solutions Philippines

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Earl Celis copongcopong

Manila, Philippines

Adrian Mróz abenteuerzeit
Doctor of Philosophy, aesthetics and behavior design expert, musician, and C# .NET Full stack developer

Grass Valley Kraków, Poland

Emil Toivainen Em1lT
Full Stack Developer


ishan isNan909
I design and build apps

NA Working remote

Amin Abdolrezapoor amiut
Javascript, PHP developer, working as Full Stack WordPress developer at @inpsyde.

@inpsyde Germany

Hope Hoppeful
Teaching Assistant at the Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering

University of Ghana Accra Ghana

Ismo Vuorinen ivuorinen
Full Stack Senior Web Developer.

Tampere, Finland

Anssi Kosunen anselotti
Web developer

Kuopio, Finland

Tuomas Vihinen qihiv

Anders Innovations Oy


Alipay Hangzhou, China

jojobii jojobii-arks
i push buttons on keyboard - web dev - sysadmin cosplayer

Orange County, CA

Harvey harveyrandall
Frontend React Developer

No Isolation London

Cauan Victor CauanDZN
@digitalcollegebrasil@digitalcollegebr@Engaja-Comunicacao • Mentor • Speaker • Teacher

@digitalcollegebrasil Fortaleza

Bogdan Moroz bogmoroz
Lead Developer at Observis

Observis Helsinki, Finland

joneldiablo joneldiablo
Information is everything.


sambit soulsam480
engineering @revenuehero. js and ruby mostly. aspiring Farmer

@revenuehero Namma Bengaluru

Le Xuan Duy (Dui) azoom-l-x-duy

AZoom Vietnam inc. Hanoi

ali alshara alialshara94
Software Developer Back-end (nodeJs)

Open Code baghdad

Joseph Mungai jmmwangi007

Brookside Consultancy