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Ahmed Aziz Abbassi ahmedazizabbassi
Software Developer @softylines | Cyber Security Researcher | Open Source Contributor in my free time

@softylines @drupal

Mathieu Santostefano welcoMattic
I love literature, mainly written in PHP. @symfony Core Team Member


Alaa 6ckys

Tunis, Tunisia

Thales Jr tjmoreira
Eng. Sistemas QueroUai.Delivery e WriteB

Quero Uai Delivery Vespasiano/MG

Mateusz Zalewski Zales0123
🐦 @CommerceWeavers Co-Founder 🦢 @Sylius Core-Team Member ⚙️ DDD, BDD & TDD enthusiast

@Sylius Rzgów, Poland

Shiny shiny0110
Be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy ☕️ Full-Stack 🖥💻📱
Onofre Souza souzaonofre

Web Fullstack Developer Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brasil

Ulrich UlrichHP
French web developer.
Jacob Tobiasz jakubtobiasz
Holistic Software Engineer • PHP • Symfony • @CommerceWeavers by day • @alphpaca by night

@alphpaca, @commerceweavers Alpacaland

xtechnology XTechnology-TR

X Technology İstanbul

Ahmed EBEN HASSINE 脳の流れ ahmed-bhs
PHP/Symfony enthusiast. Backend Engineer. CTF player.

@codein @becareful France

Lucas Pereira Santos akosystems1
Estudar, praticar habilidades, trabalhar em projetos, ensinar etc.

Akosystems Brasil, Curitiba, Paraná.