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Simon Bloomfield crazyRBLX11
Student and Security Researcher. I enjoy Roblox and Windows application and script development in my free time. I'm also using Unreal Engine 5 by @EpicGames

@EpicGames The Desk, My House

Allen wang-zm18
Research Interests: Machine Learning, 3D Computer Vision

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Ruiqing Tang RuiqingTang
Programmer will write code for coffee

USTB Beijing

Maximiliano Levi maxilevi
I foresee exciting times ahead, provided we still have a functioning civilization in which to enjoy them.


Unchun Yang ucyang
I am a software engineer who loves the free and open-source software (FOSS) ecosystem. My broad interests include AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.
Mathias Nielsen mathiasesn
🏢 Senior Machine Learning Engineer @

@mediacatch Odense, Denmark

Samir Kharel 🧑🏽‍💻 saamirkhrl
Read the ↗️↗️

Texas, USA

Syed Hussain Ather HussainAther
“I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible.” - Nietzsche
Giocoliere giocoliere
I'm working at the @creepercraftnet / @otakuforge & @creeperhub projects. "A human..i guess"

@creeperhub & @otakuforge Europe

Karan Kapur karank2512
I'm a Junior studying computer science and data science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Currently working to make all my private repos public
Duckie DuckieTheDuck
Level256 International Public Relations and Translations Also an independant dev

適当会社 France

César Gabriel Morín Corona Cesar-Gabriel
Hi, i'm a programer for Micro:bit, i like to translate too :D i'm learning Python, Java, css, JS, SQL and HTML5. I ❤️ Linux

@REDScratcherGames, @Spea-inc Monclova, Coahuila - Frontera, Coahuila Mexico

Kristoffer Bekkevold starkris51
goofy ahh programming

Norway, Viken, Vestby

fanfire fanfire1
i have no socials
met2 blackxsj

met's turkey

Sarah Childress Smacks12
DevSecOps for many.

@EpicGames @Sarah-Childress Lexington, KY