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Hlayan Htet Aung hlayan
Android Developer @sgcodigo


Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Vidal Spierings VidalSpierings
Dual Native Mobile Developer

Entec Media The Netherlands

Kevin Witteveen (MartiniMarter) keever50
Electrical engineering student. I am making sand think! Occasionally turn them into an unplanned gaseous substance.
Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Levi Noppers MonkyMars
I’m a 15-year-old full-stack developer with two years of experience in Next.js. Fluent in both Dutch and English.

The Hague, The Netherlands

Joram Kroon Joram3000
Software Engineer @ Q42

The Netherlands

Petrus Matiros petrusmatiros
Innovating with a ^-^


Wouter van der Meulen ClikeX
Developer & DevOps Evangelist

@TheFactoryNL Spijkenisse


Q42 Amsterdam

Yochem van Rosmalen yochem
MSc Artificial Intelligence student at @UtrechtUniversity 📚🎓

Amsterdam, NL

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Paul Kr0sFyr3
Paul Kros, Software Engineer from Breda. Passionate about AR/VR, IoT and Gamification. Learning something new everyday! Doing it all for His glory!
Ilias Kyriazis ikyriazi

Austrian National Library Vienna

Sebastiaan Hols DreamEmulator
Code. Combine. Create.

Q42 Rotterdam

Marcelo Sales msales78
Designer, há 20 anos desenvolvendo produtos e serviços digitais. CEO e fundador da Tudo é Acessibilidade. Criador do Guia WCAG. Professor de acessibilidade.

Tudo é Acessibilidade São Paulo - SP

Sue SwenneHacks
I'm trying :)

Student at Codam Coding College Amsterdam

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Idmar Ramos Jr. (Id) idmarjr
UX Designer / UX Engineer

Curitiba, Brazil

Danny de Jong DannyGJdeJong
Software Engineer @Q42

Q42 Leiden

Anne Klapwijk AnneKlapwijk
Software Engineer @Q42 🏔️ 🌱 🦥

@Q42 Amersfoort, the Netherlands

Christiaan de Die le Clercq Techwolf12
Mobile developer, Network, Operations, Security, DevOps. 🏳️‍🌈

@Q42 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Wesley Klop WesleyKlop
Software Engineer

Leiden, The Netherlands

Mathijs Bernson mbernson
Software developer @Q42. Passionate about creating useful iOS apps. Home automation hobbyist. Sci-fi and space enthousiast. He/him. Polyamorous.

@Q42 The Netherlands

Lukas van Driel lukasvan3l
Multi Q'er at Q42, working on, Philips Hue Cloud and currently puzzlegames!

Q42 Leusden, Nederland