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Fan Windows 7 (a real vendettathevhsdvr) vendettathevhsdvrreal
ENG:i got locked out of my "old" github account RUS:меня заблокировали в моей "старой" учетной записи на github
Gleb gohoski
A Russian teenager who programs in JavaScript and has 255 chromosomes. Learning Java

@xndk Russia, Komi Republic

Kronos Kronos380

GhostWare Studios Ukraine

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Masyukov Pavel Developer-RU
# Wiring (Arduino), C, C++, C#, PHP, JS, HTML, CSS, XML, XAML ... . # Arduino, Android, Visual Studio, Eclipse ... .

Multivend Systems Russia



Kamil Salikhov sal1hov
Web-Developer from Russia.


Vladimir Berezin vberezinbadger
Evilnyx here, bad guys.

@vkcom Russia

bulbad0za bulbad0za

Russia, Tyumen

emtee40 emtee40
Collecting the work of others to share with others. Everything from songs about Snowden to open-source judicial communication framework.


Alexey Malakhov Alex00999

ITMO University St. Petersburg, Russia

Dev51 Deveveloper
Developer XD


ZhuravlevX ZhuravlevX
Developer of additions and modifications.

Jetworks Studios© Russian, Moscow

Ivan Mitenkov MitenkovIvan
Self-taught artist and musician, who's also tinkering code sometimes.

Moscow, Russia

Philipp FoxFil
Full-Time Real Life Enjoyer

@CHFTM Moscow, Russia

Irsyad DEV jekoo238


Phil Chu technicat
Just archives and temporary forks here, and the occasional bug report. My active repos are on Codeberg and GitLab. I am not your Copilot.

Technicat LLC Earth

Artsiom K artsi0m
BSUIR student.


Константин Крикунков stickerweb
# Привет, меня зовут Константин! --- ### 👨‍💻 Обо мне: Я веб разработчик

ИП Крикунков Константин Андреевич

Nay Wint naywintx
Freelancer Blogger

NWBLOG Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA, USA

nothing special, just a coder


Superbip20 SuperWillow
Не знаю, что здесь мне написать...

superbip20media Russia

Vadim hinqiwame
Telegram/VK: hinqiwame

Moscow, Russia