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konishon konishon

@naxa-developers @osgeonepal Nepal

Arnaud Tarroux Fjellrev

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) Tromsø

Bjørn Winther Solemslie bjornsol

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research Trondheim, Norway

Felix Sandström felixsandstrom
Engineer | 5+ years experience with Python & web development | Owner at Felix Webutvikling:

Felix Webutvikling Stavanger

Niccolò Cantù nicokant
Full Stack Software developer, mostly with Python and React

@NINAnor Trondheim

Julia Wiel JuliaWielSekiou
Development of autonomous systems to monitor wildlife. From the field to the results.

NINA Trondheim, Norway

Geir H. Bolstad GHBolstad

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA)

Taheera Ahmed taheeraahmed
Data scientist at @NINAnor | MSc. Computer Science | BSc. Electrical Engineering


Sverre Nystad SverreNystad
I am the CTO of Cogito NTNU

@CogitoNTNU Norway

Frank Hanssen FrankHanssen
I am a Geographer, specialized in GIS and remote sensing, working as a geospatial data scientist at the Norwegian institute for nature research (NINA).

Norwegian instutute for nature research (NINA) Trondheim

Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr bniebuhr

@NINAnor Trondheim, Norway

YK yoichigmf

Tokyo Japan

Vegar Bakkestuen VegarBakkestuen

Norsk institutt for naturforskning

Vegard Fjellbo Fencekeeper
Mathematician (topologist) working as a Senior Consultant at the Insight & Analytics Dept of Webstep. Based in Oslo.

Webstep Norway

wuhongsheng wuhongsheng


Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X


Innvik, Norway

Andreas Atakan AndreasAtakan
Full-stack developer specialised in geospatial applications

Bergen, Norway

Robin Sandfort robinsandfort

capreolus e.U. and micromacro Austria

Julien Vollering julienvollering

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, University of Oslo Sogndal, Norway

Anders L. Kolstad anders-kolstad

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research Trondheim, Norway

Willeke A'Campo ac-willeke
Geodata engineer.

@Miljodir Trondheim

Kjetil Grun kjegru

NINA Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning Trondheim