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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jack jackphuongvu
Self-learning software engineer
Jinian Wilde Z3NDJiNN
Nothing to see here!

ItchyWitch Studios Everywhen

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

λf. (λx. f (x x))(λx. f (x x))

yo-lara Brazil

Jonathan David Moore jonathanlyonmoore
46, UVa Alumni in Computer Science, ACM Vice President, Patent Licensee, Windows Internals Certified, MSFT SI & Gold Partner and INTJ-T. Former MSDN Blogger

Retired Microsoft Gold Partner Johnson City, TN

Mehdi El Oualy meel-hd
Software developer.

Webate Org Meknes, Morocco

Ethan Facca untypequicode
Je suis étudiant à l’université de Bordeaux. J’utilise principalement Python, C++, HTML et CSS.

Université de Bordeaux France

Dubem Nwokike rexleonem
Hi, I'm Dubem Nwokike 👋 I'm a Nigerian tech entrepreneur and software developer with over a decade of experience in creating innovative digital solutions.

Rex Leonem Services, @cryptofydigital Lagos, Nigeria

DATA SCIENCE and MACHINE LEARNING,AI is Update of technology,there are Innovative projects let's connect to collabrative .


JB JacobBorgProgramming
Christian, Enjoyer of Liberty, Feral Philosopher, Designer, Developer, Fmr Chicken Tender | Ephesians 5:11

@wave-digital-ministries @Cartoomb @blank-space-systems @True-Vine-Online Earth (Maybe)

Dalton Ricker SasquatchXYZ
Full-Stack Web Developer and Marine Engineer

Boston, MA

HH00DDLLRR hh00ddll

ɅG○ᏒɅ territory ONLINE

Wemersive, Inc WemersiveAdmin
Wemersive is a digital agency specializing in Immersive technologies. We create custom solutions for clients as well as our own products.

Wemersive, Inc Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Toronto

zv1689 zv1689
Jesus is Lord!
geeknik geeknik
Growing spicy peppers in the 405 whilst fuzzing all the 1s & 0s. Founder Mode engaged! Formerly of spiderSilk, OpenDNS, IBM, and Uncle Sam.

In the lab... Oklahoma, USA

Ahmed Diab AhmadAlabrash
a passionate software developer with a focus on blockchain space and Dapps development. I have several years of experience building robust an .

Germany , berlin

sepiroth-x sepiroth-x
Professional IT Teacher | Network Administrator | Ethical Hacker | Code Hobbyist

@sepirothx Cebu, Philippines

Christopher Koellner KoellnerGER
Hobby IT Nerd - Programming - Projects

Koellner IT Berlin

Karry Stewart karrystewart
Webmaster, Sysadmin, Web Developer, IT Infrastructure, Web Designer, Linux systems manager (FOSS)

Ubuntu Singapore

Wamiq Majothi | XulQu XulQu
React JS, JavaScript, HTML & CSS Frontend Developer. Enjoys technology, literature and education. Currently working through a few courses.

freespeechtiktok Lowell, MA

Milos Grujic srbiotik
Sailing the seas of code on a ship of arts and crafts.

LearnUpon Belgrade

Lookhere lucyho
Looking at crypto
Peter Till petertill

Budapest, Hungary