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Marcos Cabeceira mcabeceira
Software Engineer @Kajabi

Brazil, Brasilia - DF

Bruno Vaz bruno-vaz

@Globant Curitiba, Brazil

Andrew Connell andrewconnell
Founder of Voitanos · 20+ year Microsoft MVP · I help you become an expert developer in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem & irreplaceable in your organization.

@Voitanos St Johns, FL USA

Joe Pickert PickertJoe
Senior Software Engineer @Kajabi

Kajabi Lawrence, KS

bageltoes 0xbageltoes

ī̲ī̲Ī̲Ī̲ •͓̽̚ Ī̲Ī̲ī̲ī̲ capital mgmt Washington, DC

Daniel Quiaro Quiarom
Frontend Developer & Rust Developer

Asilo Digital Caracas, Venezuela

bragamat bragamat
Open source enthusiast!
Weverton Timoteo wevtimoteo
Functional Programming |> Game Dev

São Paulo, Brazil

Phillip Lovelace pixelflips
flippin' pixels into creative web products. made my own humans². facial fuzz cultivator. permanently drawn on.

@Kajabi California

Akin Gundogdu akin-kajabi
Senior Software Engineer @mobile team

Kajabi US

Roman Chursin RChursin

Kajabi San Diego, CA

Eric Brusky Watchitgo333

M&E Consulting Lafayette, LA

Josh Sohn josh-sohn
I solemnly swear I'm up to no good.

Los Angeles, CA

xMike mhulet
Organic Hacker


Amanda Nelson devandapaige
Pythoness Programmer | Content Creator | Artist | Senior PERN Fullstack Software Engineer

Pythoness Programmer New Kent, Virginia, USA

Eduard Fastovski ed-codes
Freelance front-end developer specializing in Shopify.

Ed Codes Sydney