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Navid Rahman Navid-Rahman
Hi, I am Navid Rahman. Currently, I am working as a Mobile App Developer. 📱 Hope that one day I will mount the peak of programming. 🚀


Andriod/IOS Mobile Expert Flutter/FlutterFlow, React Native, swift and Kotlin
Martin Jeret martinjeret
CEO @codemagic-ci-cd ✨ Best Ease of Use Continuous Integration Software by Capterra, 2021 🚀 Most popular CI/CD for Flutter Devs by Google survey, 2020 🥇

Nevercode Tartu, Estonia

류지영 bullets-jyr
Mobile App Developer (Android, Flutter)

Bullets Republic of Korea

Mohamed Abo El Maaty Zaky MohamedAboElM3aTy
Software Engineer | Flutter Developer | Mobile Enthusiast | GDG 6 October Organizer

Nahdi Medical Co. Egypt

Cristovão Farias CristovoXDGM
Flutter Developer, Mobile software engineer and Game Dev.

Maceió - Alagoas

FMorschel FMorschel
Email: [email protected] Feel free to reach out! A programmer who likes to write better code every time.

SUNSOFT Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

Mark DarkMarksDoe
Flutter Develop | Software Engineer | AI Lover

gpac Paris, FR

Yasin Y4CN
Looking For a Job as a Flutter Developer 🔎
Felipe Erverson Felipeerverson
Hi, I'm Felipe Erverson and I'm a Flutter Developer. I'm a Systems Analyst, my focus is application development for android and IOS.


Abdul Jabbar abduljabbarswe
Game Developer | Game Programmer | C++ & Blueprint | Unreal Engine 4, 5 | #gamedev #indiedev #multiplayer #abduljabbarswe
Asadbek Sayfuddinov codewithbek
Flutter Developer at @kashuz

@kashuz Tashkent, Uzbekistan

卢融霜 lurongshuang

北京轻轻松松 北京朝阳

Muhammad Haad Bin Zahid muhammadhaad
Flutter Developer | Learning Machine Learning

Islamabad, Pakistan

Arunoday kumar nirala96
SDE @dezerv || CSE @iiitv || Jack of all trades, Master of none ||

IIIT Vadodara Bengaluru, karnataka

Fatima Hossny fatimahossny
Software Engineer (Flutter/Dart)

@leam-tech Egypt

Johannes Pietilä Löhnn lohnn

Skandia Stockholm, Sweden

Kenta Shimizu shimizu-saffle
🫧🫧🫧🫧( ◜ ◡ ◝ ​​)🫧🫧🫧🫧

Da Nang, Viet Nam

Kotaro Kudo ham-burger

Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, Japan

Toi Yoshimaru 0maru
Flutter Developer : )

Tokyo, Japan

mono — Masayuki Ono mono0926
Software Engineer (Flutter/Dart, Firebase/GCP, iOS/Swift, TypeScript)

Freelance Tokyo, Japan

Ahmed Alabd ahmedalabd122
Mobile Developer interested in Flutter
