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Mukta Deshpande muktadeshpande2
Software Engineer

National Institute of Technology , Agartala India

Nghia (Nolan) Trinh Nghia-Trinh
I make stuff that I hope you will never need to use, but if you do happen to run into a situation, I will be here to help.
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Roy Chon roychon
CS @ UWaterloo


Sumit kumar singh thesumitkrsingh
Passionate open-source enthusiast exploring and creating innovative solutions. Committed to collaborative development and embracing the power of community-drive


Matthew D'Cruz Mattdcr
Senior Engineering Manager

@Faire Waterloo, Ontario

Eric Liu ericliujt
4th year math/bba at UWaterloo & Laurier
Delbert del8527
Student at Waterloo
André Ota Andre113
iOS Engineer. I also like bicycles and chess.

São Paulo, Brazil

Melek Lassoued meleklassoued

@eDonec @daydevs Tunisia

Andrea Franco andrea07021981
Senior mobile engineering manager

RBC Ontario (Canada)

Saurin Patel Saurinpatel20
4th year Computer Science Student @uWaterloo

Waterloo, Ontario

Ryan Martin rjm001
Senior Data Scientist with background in Causal Inference, Experimentation, Machine Learning, and Econometrics.
PhuongDoan phuongddx
More than 4 years of experience in iOS, passionate about innovations in coding and mobile applications. Proven ability to work independently or as part of a tea Vietnam

Benoit St-Pierre bstpierr
Previous work experience at @Faire, @squareup, @google, Amazon, OpenText, Research In Motion, and Sybase.

@Faire Ottawa, ON

Tudor Barsan Tudor-Barsan
Software Engineer | CS @ UWaterloo

Ontario, Canada

Christopher Krogh chriskrogh
I write code sometimes

@Faire Toronto

Li lii-tian
Swarthmore Astrophysics '19 Stanford Data Science '23
Josh Beard JoshBeardXYZ
JB | Marketing Automation Leader | 10+ Years B2B Enterprise Experience | Dad | Buckeye

Columbus, OH

Emily Wang em-w
Hi! I'm an Software Engineering student at the University of Waterloo :)
Fahad Abbasi fahadnabbasi
CTO at Glorify and Uforia Infotech. Skills: reactJS, vueJS, fabricJS, jQuery, nodeJS, PHP Laravel, CodeIgniter, webGL, canvas

@Uforia-Logic Islamabad, Pakistan

MD SHAFI UDDIN 6736-shafi
Open Source Contributor | JAVA | MERN STACK developer | SQL | AI & ML | DATA SCINECE | Ex -Intern @CodeClause | Ex -Intern @coreDataAnalytics

https://[email protected] hyderabad ,india