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Michel Lima MichelLiima
Estudante na área de TI. # Sempre em busca de novas habilidades. #

Florianópolis, Brazil

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Diego Volpatto volpatto
Staff Research Scientist in Applied and Computational Math at the Brazilian National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC/MCTI).

LNCC Petrópolis/RJ, Brazil

Jaime Ambrus jaimeambrus

@ESSS Florianópolis



André Fernandes andrefpf
Master's student in computer science @UFSC

LVA - Laboratório de Vibrações e Acústica Florianópolis

Abderrahim HADDADI deadly-panda
Software engineering during the day. AI at night.


Leonardo leogreal

ESSS São José - SC, Brasil


ESSS Florianópolis/SC - Brasil

Felipe Eler felipeeler
Chemical engineer who wants to learn and contribute about coding.

LRAP Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Ricardo Beckert ricardobz
Full-stack developer | Python | Javascript | Typescript | React | Angular

@ESSS Florianópolis

Said Laouedj LaouedjSaid
Reservoir Engineer at Sonatrach, Interested in AI & ML for Energy Applications, Oil & Gas

Sonatrach Algeria

Americo Cunha americocunhajr
Researcher @ LNCC and Associate Professor @ UERJ

National Laboratory of Scientific Computing - LNCC

Ismael Santos ismaelh

Petrobras Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

John Blischak jdblischak
Freelance Scientific Software Developer

Ohio, USA

Hélvio Peixoto hfcpeixoto
Scientific developer (C++, Python) | PhD in Civil Engineering (Structural engineering and numerical methods) | Passionate about astronomy outreach.


Felipe Breuil fbreuil
Front-End Developer

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Marcus Vinicius Pereira mv-per
ChE PhD student at LSU

LSU United States

Diego Carnavalli Bolsoni dibolsoni
A great guy from Brazil.

decebe Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Adrian Brandemarte Moreira Adrian-B-Moreira
Aerospace Engineer with experience collaborating with global teams in the development of large commercial software.

ANSYS, Inc. São Paulo

Luiz Dalla luizdalla

Vitoria-ES, Brazil

Luciano Terres lucterres
Ph.D Student in Computer Science at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS

Petrobras Porto Alegre

Federico E. Benelli fedebenelli
Chemical Engineer, PhD candidate on phase equilibria behaviour on reservoir oil. Doing most of my calculations in Fortran and Python

IPQA - CONICET Córdoba, Argentina

Pedro Aquino phaquinosilva

ECL/UFSC Florianopolis, SC - Brazil

Sávio S. Dias diasssavio
Senior R&D Engineer at Ansys, Inc. & Ph.D. on Combinatorial Optimization by Coppe - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PESC/Coppe/UFRJ).

Ansys, Inc. Florianópolis/SC - Brazil

Raí Bizerra raispbizerra
Software Developer

@ansys-internal Ipiaú