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Sitam Sardar HeySitam
TSE @GeoTech || Aspiring Mobile Developer || Android || Flutter || iOS || Open Source Enthusiast || Technical Content Writer

Geotech Infoservice Pvt. Ltd. kolkata, WestBengal ,India

Sebastian Småland Plebbimon

Pugg AS Bergen, Norway

Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

nuomi1 nuomi1
Swift with iOS。 果粉 / 米家粉。 0.5。

Shen Zhen

Rakhim Abdullayev Rakhimjon

IMV Axborot Texnologilari Markazi Tashkent

Hoàng Tiến Quốc quochoang228
Software Engineering

Viettel Construction Hà Nội

Igors Kersovs igors-kersovs
Android & Flutter Dev

Latvia, Riga

Jabule Simanga jaybee21
Interested in software/game development , web development

bulawayo Zimbabwe

Raimonds Makars Reymai

@DevLeadLv Riga, Latvia

独木舟的木 Andy0570
Developing for iOS… because it’s fun!

Shanghai, China

Kirill KirilDev

@Student Latvia, Riga

Dev Mukherjee devraj

@anomaly Canberra, ACT Australia

Mehul Jain Mehul721
Hello, I am Mehul Jain and I am from India.I am interested in developing applications which have real uses and have the potential to affect the lives of people.


Chetan Mali chetansmali
Exploring Algorithm & Flutter Development


HRUSHIKESH DESAI hrushikeshhd18
Student at Liverpool John Moores University Full Stack Mobile Developer

@thelooserscompany Mumbai

Kazi Saeed Hossain programmer-saeed
🚀 DevOps Engineer | Cloud & Automation Enthusiast ⚙️ Building Scalable & Automated Infrastructure with CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes, and Cloud Platforms.

Kazisoft Limited Bangladesh , Dhaka, Narayanganj City Corporation , Siddhirganj - 1430 , Ward No - 04 , village: Ati Gram , House : B - 131

Abhijith K AbhijithKonnayil
Working to make dreams to reality :)
Ravindu Piyankara Ravindu-Priyankara
Software Engineer || Python || Java || C


Faiz Rhm Faiz-rhm
Mobile Developer Enthusiast

Netlinks Afghanistan

Ricardo Abreu txbrown

@yonkolevel London, United Kingdom

Alex Plekhanov aplekhanov
iOS Engineer | Full Stack Swift Developer

Dynamic Island

Jovins Jovins
work hard, play hard.

The Knot WorldWide Uranus

Yii Chen chyiiiiiiiiiiii
Flutter Boy || Organizer FlutterTaipei || Writer, Speaker || wanna make Flutter strong in Taiwan.

Taipei, TW

Web Development Enthusiast😁 | Interning to Learn and Grow 🚀
adhil-dev adhil-bit
backend dev @ lithostechnosoft.

Lithos Technosoft Calicut, Kerala

Ahmet Urel yellow-dragon-cloud
Software Architect 💻 Entrepreneur 🚀 AI Enthusiast 🤖


Vinu Balagopal A P VinuBalagopalAP
Software Developer | Finotes Inc Former Fellow | GTech µLearn

Finotes Inc Bangalore

Undine unduuu
Newbie who wants to be a mobile app developer on Androids

Valmiera, Latvia

Maksims Pelna maxpelna
Mobile developer (Flutter / iOS)

ChiliLabs Riga, Latvia