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Hongchao Liu h0ngcha0
Sensing the abstract nonsense

Alephium | Softfork Scandinavia

Yulia andgrace
Looking for talents in fintech, HFT & crypto #rustlang #rust #solidity #web3 #hiring

NDA Spain

Dev JasonMarkWomack
Play your own game, you can't lose

some server

john.xlm JFWooten4
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. 💜
Chris Anatalio anataliocs
Senior Developer Advocate @stellar @LinkedInLearning and Pluralsight Content Author. @Developer-DAO #4727

@stellar Portland, OR

Silence silence48

@Stellar, @Hoops-Finance

Urbanite agileurbanite
Build all the things!

Seattle, WA

Jordan starpause

@CODAME San Francisco

Vladimir Grichina vgrichina
Chief Duct Tape Officer at Web4

NEAR Protocol Berkeley, CA

Willem Wyndham willemneal
Interested in decentralization and everything Wasm.

Boston, MA