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This directory contains C++ headers and source code used to wrap the ABFFIO.dll from the ABF FSP 2.01 (circa 2007) into C code for use in ChanneLab. These files were initially copied over from a copy of the ABFDLL project on an external hard drive, and I assume are the most recent versions used for ChanneLab, but cannot verify this.

Update July 3, 2016

The exported functions need to use the __stdcall calling convention to be compatible with the OldABFDLL, which is used by ChanneLab. This can be accomplished using the /Gz compiler option.

Note that the ABFFIOforCL.h file needs to use the BOOL typedef to be compatible with C.

To use this library in ChanneLab

  1. Include the ABFFIOforCL.h and ABFConstants.h files in ChanneLab project.
  2. Update ABFFIOforCL.h to use the BOOL typedef insted of the C++ data type bool.
  3. Add the ABFFIO.dll from the Axon ABF File Support Pack to the ChanneLab project.
  4. Add the ABFFIOforCL.lib and ABFFIOforCL.dll files to the ChanneLab project.
  5. Make sure LabWindows/CVI uses the __stdcall calling convention.

Compile and link commands

The target machine is x86, which is accomplished by running vcvars32.bat. This seemed to work when just the Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 directory and subdirectories were on the Path.

cl /EHsc /c /Gz ABFFIOforCL.cpp
link /DLL ..\..\FSP_ABF_FileSupportPack_2.03\AxonDev\Lib\abffio.lib ABFFIOforCL.obj