issues Search Results · repo:nyiyui/qrystal language:Go
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innyiyui/qrystal (press backspace or delete to remove)Should be pretty simple: switching wg-quick path to something like .
- Opened on Feb 25, 2024
- #9
- allow adding networks using csadmin API calls
example: make a new CN with:
- name: network2
- AllowedIPs: auto/16,
- Opened on May 30, 2023
- #8
- [ ] IPv6 support for automatic IP address assignment for peers
- [ ] check if other parts are OK with IPv6
- Opened on May 30, 2023
- #7
There is a ~2m delay between a change being made, and other peers resyncing due to the change.
Some logs from qrystal-cs.service (we can see that there is ~107s latency between notify and resync)
2023-03-17T17:35:24.451-0400 ...
- 1
- Opened on Mar 17, 2023
- #6
In node/auth.go, use standard signature schemes. As an example I ve added an explanation of how this would work using
RSA, however other more secure exchanges like a DHKE + AES_GCM would most likely suffice. ...
- 1
- Opened on Nov 22, 2022
- #3
On c517201e21470e496a1efb85f97a8b6e33bad201:
wg-quick: `sekai is not a WireGuard interface
On 962e2bcb6a0c246fe48c711fccd1f556f5e3a055:
wg-quick: `sekai already exists
- 1
- Opened on Nov 12, 2022
- #2

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