MultiPL-E is a system for translating unit test-driven neural code generation benchmarks to new languages. We have used MultiPL-E to translate two popular Python benchmarks (HumanEval and MBPP) to 18 other programming languages.
For more information:
- MultiPL-E is part of the BigCode Code Generation LM Harness. This is the easiest way to use MultiPL-E.
- The Multilingual Code Models Evaluation by BigCode evaluates Code LLMs using several benchmarks, including MultiPL-E.
- Read our paper MultiPL-E: A Scalable and Polyglot Approach to Benchmarking Neural Code Generation.
- The MultiPL-E dataset of translated prompts is available on the Hugging Face Hub.
These are instructions on how to use MultiPl-E directly, without the BigCode evaluation harness.
In this tutorial, we will run a small experiment to evaluate the performance of
SantaCoder on Rust with a small subset of the MBPP benchmarks.
We will only fetch 20 completions per problem, so that you
can run it quickly on a single machine.
You can also run on the full suite of benchmarks or substitute your own
benchmark programs. Later, we'll show you how to add support for other languages
and evaluate other models.
You will need Python 3.8 or higher.
You will need to install some Python packages:
pip3 install aiohttp numpy tqdm pytest datasets torch transformers
Check out the repository:
git clone
Enter the repository directory:
cd MultiPL-E
Out of the box, MultiPL-E supports several models, programming languages, and datasets. Using MultiPL-E is a two step process:
We generate completions, which requires a GPU.
We execute the generated completions, which requires a machine that supports Docker or Podman.
The following command will generate completions for the HumanEval benchmark, which is originally in Python, but translated to Rust with MultiPL-E:
mkdir tutorial
python3 \
--name bigcode/gpt_bigcode-santacoder \
--root-dataset humaneval \
--lang rs \
--temperature 0.2 \
--batch-size 20 \
--completion-limit 20 \
--output-dir-prefix tutorial
The model name above refers to the SantaCoder model on the Hugging Face Hub. You can use any other text generation model instead.
This command requires about 13 GB VRAM and takes 30 minutes with a Quadro RTX 6000.
If you have less VRAM, you can set
to a smaller value. E.g., with--batch-size 10
it should work on consumer graphics cards, such as the RTX series cards. -
If you're feeling impatient, you can kill the command early (use
) before all generations are complete. Your results won't be accurate, but you can move on to the evaluation step to get a partial result. Before killing generation, ensure that a few files have been generated:ls tutorial/*/*.json.gz
You can run MultiPL-E's execution with or without a container, but we strongly recommend using the container that we have provided. The container includes the toolchains for all languages that we support. Without it, you will need to painstakingly install them again. There is also a risk that the generated code may do something that breaks your system. The container mitigates that risk.
When you first run evaluation, you need to pull and tag the execution container:
podman pull
podman tag multipl-e-eval
The following command will run execution on the generated completions:
podman run --rm --network none -v ./tutorial:/tutorial:rw multipl-e-eval --dir /tutorial --output-dir /tutorial --recursive
If execution is successful, you will see several .results.json.gz
alongside the .json.gz
files that were created during generation:
ls tutorial/*/*.results.json.gz
Assuming you have setup the needed language toolchains, here is how you do executions without a container:
cd evaluation/src
python3 --dir ../../tutorial --output-dir ../../tutorial --recursive
If execution is successful, you will see several .results.json.gz
alongside the .json.gz
files that were created during generation:
ls ../../tutorial/*/*.results.json.gz
Finally, you can calculate the pass rates:
python3 ./tutorial/*
The experiment prints pass rates for k=1 as we only made 20 results at
temperature 0.2. If you want to see pass@10 and pass@100 pass rates, you
can regenerate with --temperature 0.8
Warning: In generation, we used --completion-limit 20
to only generate
20 samples for each prompt. You should remove this flag to generate 200 samples
for temperature 0.8. We have found that 20 samples is adequate for estimate
pass@1 (there will be a little variance). However, you need more samples to estimate
pass@10 and pass@100.
If you want to learn by example, you can look at pull requests that have added support for several languages:
In general, you need to make three changes to support a new language L:
Write an execution script to run and test L language that goes in evaluation/src.
Write a translator to translate benchmarks to L that new language that goes in dataset_builder.
Add terms for L to
to translate comments.
Let's say we had not included Perl in the set of benchmark languages and
you want to add it. In a new file
you will need to
define a class called Translator
. Translator
contains numerous methods -
the interface for a generic Translator
class is provided in
Note: You must name your translator
. However, the code
works with several other benchmarks, including MBPP.
There are three types of methods for Translator
: (1) methods that handle
translating the prompt, (2) methods that handle translating the unit tests, and
(3) methods that handle the value-to-value translation.
First, let's handle converting the Python prompt to a Perl prompt. This is
done by the translate_prompt
method. translate_prompt
needs to return
a string (we definitely suggest using a formatted Python string here) that
contains the Perl prompt and then the Perl function signature. We suggest
accumulating the prompt into one string as follows:
perl_description = "# " + re.sub(DOCSTRING_LINESTART_RE, "\n# ", description.strip()) + "\n"
where "#"
are Perl single-line comments. DOCSTRING_LINESTART_RE
identifies the
first line in the prompt using a regex and then description
is a string representing
the rest of the prompt. This process should be pretty simple - just connect them together with
your comment structure of choice.
The argument name
to translate_prompt
takes care of the function name, you
just need to format the function arguments (argument args
) and delimiters to complete
the prompt translation.
Now let's consider the three methods which help translate unit tests:
, test_suite_suffix_lines
, and deep_equality
The prefix and suffix methods return a "wrapper" around the set of generated unit
tests. In most languages, as is the case in Perl, the prefix defines a function/class
for testing and the suffix calls that function. This may include calls to your testing library
of choice (please look at existing humaneval_to
files for examples!).
The wrapper in Perl we use is:
sub testhumaneval {
my $candidate = entry_point;
# Tests go here
Note the argument entry_point
to test_suite_prefix_lines
: this is the name
of the function for each benchmark. In most languages, we either assign that to
a variable candidate
(as done in the original HumanEval benchmark) or call
The final unit test function is deep_equality
, which is where you define how
to check whether two arguments (left
and right
) are structurally equal. In Perl
we do this with eq_deeply
. (Hint: note that sometimes the order of left
can be switched in some testing frameworks - try this out to produce
the best error messages possible!).
Third, let's tackle the value-to-value translation methods. All of them take a Python value (or some representation of one) as an argument and return a string representing that value's equivalent in Perl.
For instance, gen_dict
defines what dictionaries in Python should map to in
Perl. Our implementation is below; the only work we need to do is use of =>
nstead of :
to differentiate keys and values in Perl.
def gen_dict(self, keys: List[str], values: List[str]) -> str:
return "{" + ", ".join(f"{k} => {v}" for k, v in zip(keys, values)) + "}"
This step should be quite straightforward for each value and its associated method. When there is choice, we used our language knowledge or consulted the style guides from the language communities (see our paper's Appendix). As we mention in our paper, the ease of value-to-value mapping is one of the key aspects of this approach.
There are also smaller elements to Translator
(stop tokens, file_ext, etc.)
that you will need to populate accordingly.
If you've successfully gotten to this point: great, you're done and can move
on to eval_foo
and testing. If you wanted to add a statically typed
benchmark - Read on!
Statically typed translations are notably more challenging to implement than the
Perl example above. Rather than walk you through the steps directly, we provide a
well-documented version of
for TypeScript as an example. Feel free
to also consult translations for other languages in the benchmark, although your
mileage may vary.
Now that you're done converting Python to your language of choice, you need to define how to evaluate the generated programs. As a reminder, one of the contributions of this benchmark suite is actually evaluating the generated code. Let's continue with the idea that you are adding Perl as a new language to our dataset.
you should define a function, eval_script
, with the
following signature and imports:
from pathlib import Path
from safe_subprocess import run
def eval_script(path: Path):
In the body of eval_script
you should call run
with the
requisite arguments (please refer to it's documentation and your computing architecture
to do this correctly). For our results, we use the following call to run
for Perl:
r = run(["perl", path])
You should then determine how to handle what gets assigned to r
. If you
look around the eval scripts we provide, there are different granularities for
handling program evaluation. For instance some statically typed errors
handle compilation and runtime errors differently. We recommend, at minimum,
handling success (typically exit code 0), timeouts, syntax errors,
and exceptions as four subclasses of results. You can do this using
statements or simply with conditionals:
if r.timeout:
status = "Timeout"
... handle other errors ...
status = "OK"
should return a dictionary of the form below - the scripts above
rely on this output format to calculate pass@k metrics:
return {
"status": status,
"exit_code": r.exit_code,
"stdout": r.stdout,
"stderr": r.stderr,
The final two steps are:
A reference to your evaluator in the file
. -
Create a Dockerfile for your language in the
There is one final step if you want to run the completion
tutorial above for your brand new language. Open
add links to your new language in two places:
Add a row for dataset_builder/terms.csv
, which instructs how to convert
the prompt into your language's verbiage.
The MultiPL-E benchmark lives on the Hugging Face Hub, but it is easier to test and iterate on your new language without uploading a new dataset every time you make a change. When the translator is ready, you can test it by translating HumanEval to L with the following command:
cd MultiPL-E/dataset_builder
python3 \
--lang \
--doctests transform \
--prompt-terminology reworded \
--output ../L_prompts.jsonl
This creates the file L_prompts.jsonl
in the root of the repository. You can
then evaluate a model on these prompts with the following command:
cd MultiPL-E
python3 \
--name MODEL_NAME \
--root-dataset humaneval \
--use-local \
--dataset ./L_prompts.jsonl \
--temperature 0.2 \
--batch-size 50 \
--completion-limit 20 \
You can safely set --completion-limit 20 and get a reasonable stable
result. Any lower and you'll get variations greater than 1%. The command
above will create a directory named humaneval-L-MODEL_NAME-0.2-reworded
At this point, you can look at the .json.gz files to see if the results
look reasonable. We recommend looking at least problem 53. It is an easy
problem that every model should get right.
Finally, you can test the generated code with the following command:
cd MultiPL-E
python3 evaluation/src/ \
--dir humaneval-L-MODEL_NAME-0.2-reworded \
--output-dir humaneval-L-MODEL_NAME-0.2-reworded
This creates several .results.json.gz files, alongside the .json.gz files.
To compute pass@1:
cd MultiPL-E
python3 humaneval-L-MODEL_NAME-0.2-reworded
This is the really easy part. All you need to do is create directory of Python programs that looks like the following:
def my_function(a: int, b: int, c: int, k: int) -> int:
Given positive integers a, b, and c, return an integer n > k such that
(a ** n) + (b ** n) = (c ** n).
### Unit tests below ###
def check(candidate):
assert candidate(1, 1, 2, 0) == 1
assert candidate(3, 4, 5, 0) == 2
def test_check():
For an example, see datasets/originals-with-cleaned-doctests
. These
are the HumanEval problems (with some cleanup) that we translate to the
MultiPl-E supported languages.
Some things to note:
The unit tests below line is important, because we look for that in our scripts.
We also rely on the name
. This is not fundamental, and we may get around to removing it. -
You can use
from typing import ...
andimport typing
, but you cannot have any other code above the function signature. -
The type annotations are not required, but are necessary to evaluate some languages.
The assertions must be equalities with simple input and output values, as shown above.
Finally, note that you do not implement the function yourself. You can leave the body as
Let's suppose that you've created a set of benchmark problems in the directory
. You can then translate the benchmark to language
cd MultiPL-E/dataset_builder
python3 \
--originals ../datasets/new_benchmark
--lang \
--doctests transform \
--prompt-terminology reworded \
--output ../L_prompts.jsonl
You can then test the dataset by following the steps in Testing a new language.
MultiPL-E was originally authored by:
- Federico Cassano (Northeastern University)
- John Gouwar (Northeastern University)
- Daniel Nguyen (Hanover High School)
- Sydney Nguyen (Wellesley College)
- Luna Phipps-Costin (Northeastern University)
- Donald Pinckney (Northeastern University)
- Ming-Ho Yee (Northeastern University)
- Yangtian Zi (Northeastern University)
- Carolyn Jane Anderson (Wellesley College)
- Molly Q Feldman (Oberlin College)
- Arjun Guha (Northeastern University and Roblox Research)
- Michael Greenberg (Stevens Institute of Technology)
- Abhinav Jangda (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
We thank Steven Holtzen for loaning us his GPUs for a few weeks. We thank [Research Computing at Northeastern University] for supporting the Discovery cluster.
Several people have since contributed to MultiPL-E. Please see the changelog for those acknowledgments.