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Releases: muzei/muzei

Muzei API 3.1.0

05 Dec 05:56
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No changes over Muzei API 3.1 Alpha 1. It is compatible with Muzei 3.0.2 and higher.

Include the Muzei API in your app by adding the dependency to your build.gradle:

implementation ""

Muzei API 3.1.0 Alpha 1

11 Nov 07:42
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Muzei API 3.1.0 Alpha 1 includes a number of functional and API changes. It is compatible with Muzei 3.0.2 and higher.

  • #587 allows a MuzeiArtProvider to implement isArtworkValid(Artwork) to confirm that an Artwork that being opened is still valid, even if the image is cached.
  • #588 ensures that onInvalidArtwork(Artwork) is called in cases where you return false from isArtworkValid()
  • #589 treats all non-IOExceptions (rather than just any SecurityException) coming from openFile as permanent errors resulting in a callback to onInvalidArtwork.
  • #590 - static methods in ProviderContract.Artwork have been deprecated, with alternatives now encapsulated in the new ProviderClient interface
    • Methods that took a Class can now be accessed by using ProviderContract.getProviderClient(Context, Class)
    • Methods that took a String authority can now be accessed by using ProviderContract.getProviderClient(Context, String)
    • MuzeiArtProvider itself now implements ProviderClient, ensuring that the same APIs are also available directly within MuzeiArtProvider
    • The helper method ProviderContract.Artwork.getContentUri(String authority) is now available via ProviderContract.getContentUri(String).
  • #591 provides an addArtwork API on ProviderClient that takes multiple Artwork, allowing batch inserts
  • #592 provides a setArtwork API on ProviderClient that takes multiple Artwork, automatically deleting any Artwork not in the given list

See milestone for full change details.

Include the Muzei API in your app by adding the dependency to your build.gradle:

implementation ""

Muzei API 3.0

14 Oct 03:28
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No changes over Muzei API 3.0 RC 1.

Include the Muzei API in your app by adding the dependency to your build.gradle:

implementation ""

Muzei API 3.0 RC 1

10 Oct 05:21
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Muzei API 3.0 Beta 3

06 Oct 06:10
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Beta 3 makes a number of important changes:

  • #580 Ensures that a MuzeiArtProvider recovers from the cache being cleared
  • #579 Overrides Artwork.toString() to aid in debugging

See milestone for full change details.

Muzei API 3.0 Beta 2

03 Oct 04:38
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Beta 2 makes a number of important changes:

  • #578 prevents SQL injection issues on MuzeiArtProvider.query
  • #576 ensures that the default implementation of MuzeiArtProvider.openFile does not crash when using content:// URIs for your persistentUri and the source ContentProvider throws arbitrary errors.

See milestone for full change details.

Muzei API 3.0 Beta 1

25 Sep 13:45
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No significant changes over 3.0.0-alpha04.

Muzei API 3.0 Alpha 4

16 Sep 01:57
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Alpha 4 makes a number of important changes:

  • Breaking Change: The ProviderContract.Artwork methods that took a ComponentName have been removed in favor for ones that take an authority String - the authority attached to your MuzeiArtProvider is now its unique key
  • As a result of the authority change, your replacement metadata value used to swap from your old MuzeiArtSource to your MuzeiArtProvider should now be your authority, although putting in the class name of your MuzeiArtProvider is still supported
  • MuzeiArtProvider now provides an optimized implementation of applyBatch and bulkInsert
  • The ProviderContract.Artwork.getContentUri method no longer returns content URIs for disabled MuzeiArtProviders
  • Fixed a bug when inserting artwork with an existing token

See milestone for full change details.

Muzei API 3.0 Alpha 3

07 Sep 05:44
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Update version code for Muzei 3.0 Alpha 5 & API 3.0.0-alpha03

Muzei API 3.0 Alpha 2

29 Aug 03:19
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Upgrade to WorkManager 1.0.0-alpha08