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Kubeapps Tiller Proxy Developer Guide

The tiller-proxy component is a micro-service that creates a API endpoint for accessing the Helm Tiller server.



export GOPATH=~/gopath/
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH

Download the kubeapps source code

git clone --recurse-submodules $KUBEAPPS_DIR

The tiller-proxy sources are located under the cmd/tiller-proxy/ and it uses packages from the pkg directory.

Install Kubeapps in your cluster

Kubeapps is a Kubernetes-native application. To develop and test Kubeapps components we need a Kubernetes cluster with Kubeapps already installed. Follow the Kubeapps installation guide to install Kubeapps in your cluster.

Building the tiller-proxy binary

cd $KUBEAPPS_DIR/cmd/tiller-proxy
go build

This builds the tiller-proxy binary in the working directory.

Running in development

If you are using Minikube it is important to start the cluster enabling RBAC (on by default in Minikube 0.26+) in order to check the authorization features:

minikube start
eval $(minikube docker-env)

Note: By default, Kubeapps will try to fetch the latest version of the image so in order to make this workflow work in Minikube you will need to update the imagePullPolicy first:

kubectl patch deployment kubeapps-internal-tiller-proxy -n kubeapps --type=json -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/imagePullPolicy", "value": "IfNotPresent"}]'

The easiest way to create the tiller-proxy image is execute the Makefile task to do so:

IMAGE_TAG=dev make kubeapps/tiller-proxy

This will generate an image kubeapps/tiller-proxy:dev that you can use in the current deployment:

kubectl set image -n kubeapps deployment kubeapps-internal-tiller-proxy proxy=kubeapps/tiller-proxy:dev

For further redeploys you can change the version to deploy a different tag or rebuild the same image and restart the pod executing:

kubectl delete pod -n kubeapps -l app=kubeapps-internal-tiller-proxy

Note: If you using a cloud provider to develop the service you will need to retag the image and push it to a public registry.

Running tests

You can run the tiller-proxy tests along with the tests of all the projecs

make test