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Acceptance test Framework

Welcome to the acceptance test framework for Logstash. In this small README we describe its features and the steps necessary for setting up your environment.

Setup your environment

In summary this test framework is composed of:

  • A collection of rspec helpers and matchers that make creating tests easy.
  • This rspecs helpers execute commands over SSH to a set of machines.
  • The tests are run, for now, as vagrant (virtualbox provided) machines.

As of this, you need to have installed:

  • The latest version vagrant (=> 1.8.1)
  • Virtualbox as VM provider (=> 5.0)

Is important to notice that the first time you set everything up, or when a new VM is added, there is the need to download the box (this will take a while depending on your internet speed).

Running Tests

It is possible to run the full suite of the acceptance test with the codebase by running the command ci/, this command will generate the artifacts, bootstrap the VM and run the tests.

This test are based on a collection of Vagrant defined VM's where the different test are going to be executed, so first setup necessary is to have vagrant properly available, see for details on how to install it.

Inside the qa directory

First of all execute the command bundle this will pull the necessary dependencies in your environment, after this is done, this is the collection of task available for you:

skywalker% rake -T
rake qa:acceptance:all              # Run all acceptance
rake qa:acceptance:debian           # Run acceptance test in debian machines
rake qa:acceptance:redhat           # Run acceptance test in redhat machines
rake qa:acceptance:single[machine]  # Run one single machine acceptance test
rake qa:acceptance:suse             # Run acceptance test in suse machines
rake qa:vm:halt[platform]           # Halt all VM's involved in the acceptance test round
rake qa:vm:setup[platform]          # Bootstrap all the VM's used for this tests
rake qa:vm:ssh_config               # Generate a valid ssh-config

Important to be aware that using any of this commands:

rake qa:acceptance:all              # Run all acceptance
rake qa:acceptance:debian           # Run acceptance test in debian machines
rake qa:acceptance:redhat           # Run acceptance test in redhat machines
rake qa:acceptance:suse             # Run acceptance test in suse machines

before you will have to bootstrap all selected machines, you can do that using the rake qa:vm:setup[platform] task. This is done like this as bootstrap imply setting up the VM'S and this might take some time and you might only want to this once.

In the future we might add new rake tasks to do all at once, but for now you can use the script under ci/ to do all at once.

For local testing purposes, is recommended to not run all together, pick your target and run with the single machine command, If you're willing to run on single one, you should use:

rake qa:acceptance:single[machine]  # Run one single machine acceptance test

How to run tests

If you are running this test for first time, you will need to setup your VM's first, you can do that using either vagrant up or rake qa:vm:setup[platform].

In this framework we're using ssh to connect to a collection of Vagrant machines, so first and most important is to generate a valid ssh config file, this could be done running rake qa:vm:ssh_config. When this task is finished a file named .vm_ssh_config will be generated with all the necessary information to connect with the different machines.

Now is time to run your test and to do that we have different options:

  • rake qa:acceptance:all # Run all acceptance
  • rake qa:acceptance:debian # Run acceptance test in debian machines
  • rake qa:acceptance:redhat # Run acceptance test in redhat machines
  • rake qa:acceptance:suse # Run acceptance test in suse machines
  • rake qa:acceptance:single[machine] # Run one single machine acceptance test

Generally speaking this are complex tests so they take a long time to finish completely, if you look for faster feedback see at the end of this README how to run fewer tests.

Architecture of the Framework

If you wanna know more about how this framework works, here is your section of information.

Directory structure

  • acceptance/ here it goes all the specs definitions.
  • config inside you can find all config files, for now only the platform definition.
  • rspec here stay all framework parts necessary to get the test running, you will find the commands, the rspec matchers and a collection of useful helpers for your test.
  • sys a collection of bash scripts used to bootstrap the machines.
  • vagrant classes and modules used to help us running vagrant.

The platform configuration file

Located inside the config directory there is the platforms.json which is used to define the different platforms we test with. Important bits here are:

  • latest key defines the latest published version of LS release which is used to test the package upgrade scenario.
  • inside the platforms key you will find the list of current available OS we tests with, this include the box name, their type and if they have to go under specific bootstrap scripts (see specific: true in the platform definition).

This file is the one that you will use to know about different OS's testes, add new ones, etc..

I want to add a test, what should I do?

To add a test you basically should start by the acceptance directory, here you will find an already created tests, most important locations here are:

  • lib here is where the tests are living. If a test is not going to be reused it should be created here.
  • shared_examples inside that directory should be living all tests that could be reused in different scenarios, like you can see the CLI ones.

but we want to write tests, here is an example of how do they look like, including the different moving parts we encounter in the framework.

  config = ServiceTester.configuration
  config.servers.each do |address|
    # ServiceTester::Artifact is the component used to interact with the
    # destination machineri and the one that keep the necessary logic
    # for it.

    logstash =, config.lookup[address])

    ## your test code goes here.

this is important because as you know we test with different machines, so the build out artifact will be the component necessary to run the actions with the destination machine.

but this is the main parts, to run your test you need the framework located inside the rspec directory. Here you will find a collection of commands, properly organized per operating system, that will let you operate and get your tests done. But don't freak out, we got all logic necessary to select the right one for your test.

You'll probably find enough supporting classes for different platforms, but if not, feel free to add it.

FYI, this is how a command looks like:

    def installed?(hosts, package)
      stdout = ""
      at(hosts, {in: :serial}) do |host|
        cmd = sudo_exec!("dpkg -s  #{package}")
        stdout = cmd.stdout
      stdout.match(/^Package: #{package}$/)
      stdout.match(/^Status: install ok installed$/)

this is how we run operations and wrap them as ruby code.

Running a test (detailed level)

There is also the possibility to run your tests with more granularity by using the rspec command, this will let you for example run a single tests, a collection of them using filtering, etc.

Check for more details, but here is a quick cheat sheet to run them:

Run the examples that get "is installed" in their description

  • bundle exec rspec acceptance/spec -e "is installed"

Run the example defined at line 11

  • bundle exec rspec acceptance/spec/lib/artifact_operation_spec.rb:11