This Project will Host MS's Chakra Javascript Engine inside of PowerShell, providing Cmdlets to execute arbitary Javascript, Javascript Functions from within PowerShell Now Supporting TypeScript 1.0
- Run Arbitary JS from within PowerShell.
- Ability to have JSSessions so you can have more than one JS runtime active at a time.
- get-JSSession -> list in the session in the environment. (or get a specific one).
- New-JSSession -> ability to create a JS runtime environment with various options.
- Remove-JSSesson -> remove a JS runtime environment.
- Load JS files into a JSSession.
- Load JS files.
- Run JS functions from PS, passing in properties.
- return JS results to PowerShell.
- Get-JSfunction -session X : List functions in a JS session (possibly in the future a provider).
- Get-JSVariable -Session X : List (or get a specific) variable from JS session.
- Set-JSVariable -Session X : sets the value of a JS var.
- Variables , Results and Arguments.
- transform compatible types automatically (i.e string, bool, int, double (depending on number in JS ), null etc.
- ability to provide transformation functions.
- other objects on the way in get transformed into JSON, and on the way out can come as JSON, or get
transformed to PSCustomObjects.
- Invoke-JS - main way to run JS
- a way to invoke it simply where a session is created and destroyed at the end.
- ability to create a new session with this.
- ability to run code without returning any values.
- ability to take in PS arguments, and pass them (and if needed transform them).
- ability to return results as correct PS types, or JSON or PScustomObject.
- Invoke-JSfunction -Name ... -Session -Arguments : Ability to call a JS function in a session.
- New-JSproxy - Ability to take a JS function (or functions) and generate a PS wrapper.
##MidTerm Goals
- Call Back to PowerShell.
- Access PS variables from within JS.
- Ability to submit PS events.
- various package distributions (Joels, Chocolatey , Nuget)
- CoffeeScript and TypeScript support (include those libraries automatically, and functions that will parse,compile,and execute them)
- any WebServer or trying to be Node.JS.
##Possible Future Scope
- Enter-JSSession - basically a Javascript REPL interface not too unlike Node.JS
- Start-JSJob - aysnc sessions that work like jobs. working behind the scenes, either it will plug into the PSJob framework with | Wait-job and Receive-Job or at least work in a consistant manner. (Wait-JSJob , Receive-JSJob).
- Object to do Ajax calls.
ipmo PowerChakra -Force
#invoke a simple expression
invoke-js "5+5"
New-JSSession -Name test
#invoke an expression, in a session, and DON'T RETURN RESULTS
Invoke-JS -Name test -Script "var x = 5; function add(y){return y+y}" -NoResults
#reuse the session, running a function previously applied AND return results.
Invoke-JS -Name test -Script "add(x,10)"
#create a nested PS object
invoke-JS -Name test -Script "var ourobj = {name : 'PowerChakra', numbers : [1,2,3] , something: { x:1} }" -NoResults
#get object as JSON, then convert to PS object
$objectasJSON = invoke-JS -Name test -Script "JSON.stringify(ourobj)"
$objectasPSobj = ConvertFrom-Json $objectasJSON
$objectasPSobj | fl
A TypeScript Example
ipmo PowerShellJS -Force
$null = New-JSSession -Name test
Invoke-TypeScript -name test -script "1+1"
Invoke-TypeScript -name test -script "var adder = x => x * x" -NoResults
Invoke-JS -name test -Script "adder(5)"
#Installation Copy PSModule/PowerShellJS to your PowerShellModules folder, then load with Import-Module
###Random Notes SessionID and Name Call backs JS exceptions.
(C) 2013-2014 ShellTools LLC. Released under Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
The .Net Javascript Wrapper is derived from [MSieJavaScriptEngine] ( Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
- MSieJavaScriptEngine - License: Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL) Part of the code of this library served as the .Net library powering PowerChakra.
- SassAndCoffee.JavaScript - License: Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL) Part of the code of this library served as the basis for MSIE JS Engine.
- ECMAScript 5 Polyfill - Adds support for many of the new functions in ECMAScript 5 to downlevel browsers using the samples provided by Douglas Crockford in his "ECMAScript 5: The New Parts" talk.
- JSON2 library - Adds support of the JSON object from ECMAScript 5 to downlevel browsers.
- Microsoft Ajax Minifier - License: Apache License 2.0 (Apache) JS-files, that used MSIE JS Engine, minificated by using ajaxmin.exe.
- TypeScript - License: Apache License 2.0 (Apache) TypeScript Language and Compiler